best friends with bucky and thor

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"So what are we playing" I asked as I sat down next to thor.
"Truth or dare care to join us" Wanda asked as she looked at me with a happy smile,"it would be my pleasure" I said with a fake bow electing a laugh from everyone.

"Isabella truth or dare" Steve asked looking forward at me,"dare obviously who do you think I am Martha Stewart" I laughed, "ok I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in this room" Steve said with a smile "oh you've really got a pair dont you stevie" I said as I got up and kissed nat and Wanda on the cheek "there" I said as I crossed my arms with a smile "ok my turn, thor truth or dare" Clint said as he flipped his drum stick with one hand "hmmm dare" I looked at Clint and put a good dare into his head and he smiled and said "ok I dare you to table dance in your underwear" clint smirked.

Three hours later

"Ok well this was fun but I'm afraid I have to go to bed so night dumbasses" I said as I got up to leave "good night shit head" thor said as he stood up but fell back down. I walked up to my new room and flopped down onto my unmade bed, the room still smelt like paint but whatever, as I layed in bed for a couple of hours I started to think of loki and what I wish I could have told him before he died. I looked at the time and it was about 3:42 am so I decided to get some of my new leggings on and a tank top on then I quietly snuck out of my room and went down stairs to find bucky in the kitchen standing in his underwear eating cereal, "were do you think your going" bucky asked as I tried to sneak by without him noticing "oh um no were" I said as I quickly stood straight up "bullshit now were are you going" he asked again "ugh fine I'm going for a run in the woods" I said as I sat on the countertop "at 3 in the morning?!" He asked kinda shocked "HEY if you tell anyone about this I will tell them you are the secret 3 am cereal eater" I said getting defensive "ok ok fine, but can you wait and let me throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top on so I can come?" He asked as he put his bowl in the sink "oh umm ya sure" I said and he smiled then went to get some clothes on. "Ok you ready" bucky said as I jumped off the counter "yep I was born ready" I said with a smile "ok let's go then doll" he said and I blushed at the nickname he gave me.
After about an hour we stopped to take a break before I said "hey I know this really good spot but we have to hurry if we want to see it" I said "hell ya let's go" bucky said as we started running again, about fifteen minutes later we got to the beach I went to after loki died "wow this place is beautiful" bucky said and he looked around "ya I know right, wait look we're are just in time" I said at I pointed to the sun that was just coming over the lake "hey do you want to go for a swim?" after bucky said that I looked at him then said "I would love to but I didnt bring my bathing suit" I said "soo you have a bra and panties on right?" Bucky said "yes bu-" then bucky cut me off and said "ok great let's go" I was taken aback at what he just said but then I saw him take of his shirt then shorts and I must have been staring because Buckys voice pulled me out of my trance "ok now your turn to show me what kind of body you got" right after Bucky said that I lifted my shirt over my head the pulled off my pants to remember I was wearing white panties and bra, "just so you know Isabella, you have a very beautiful body but I hope we can possibly be best friends instead of lovers" he said "OMG bucky, but yes I would love to do the honors of being your girl best friend" I said then walked over to him and playfully hit his arm "oh your gonna regret that" he said then we started running around until we both fell over in the water then started laughing are heads off "bucky?" I asked "yeah?" "I know this is a bad question and I know we are just friends but can I kiss you?" I asked being shy, and when he didnt answer I said "omg that was such a dumb question I'm so sor-" but I got abruptly cut of when bucky slammed his lips with mine, then after we stared to kiss more we heard the avengers clapping and whistling at us, "YA GET SOME BUCK" sam yelled at us and I quickly pulled away and started to swim away because of how embarrassing that was. After bucky and I got redressed all of the avengers, Bucky and I started to walk back as sam, steve and thor teased us all the way back to the compound and when we got inside I grabbed thor and dragged him to my room and slammed the door then yelled "I DONT LOVE BUCKY WE ARE JUST FRIENDS, AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE MAN I LOVED AND THAT WAS LOKI BUT HES DEAD NOW!!" After I stopped yelling I looked at thor and his face was a bright red with a big smirk on it "WHY ARE YOU SMILING WHEN I DIDNT EVEN GET A CHANCE TO TELL HIM THAT I LOVE HIM" I yelled as thor smiled even more "I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU HAD A CRUSH ON HIM" thor yelled and started to do his 'I was right' dance that he would always do when we were kids then we then both fell over laughing are heads off "Omg you still do that dance" I asked as we both rolled on the floor clutching are stomachs that hurt because we were laughing so hard "ya did you really think I could lose those moves" he asked and we both stopped laughing and stood up with each others help "so how long did you know I had a crush on loki?" I asked "since you first meet him" thor smiled "ya, I just wish I could have told him"

"Told me what darling" wait was that-

Well that's were I'm gonna leave this chapter hope you all enjoyed and dont worry I will either post the next chapter today, tomorrow or Friday, I promise. Well love you all hope you have a good may long weekend byeeee💚🐍🐍⛓⚔🗡💚

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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