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That night was tough for Jennie

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That night was tough for Jennie. She barely slept and her body was weak due to skip of dinner last night. It was six thirty a.m. in the morning. Jennie was already up. She looked around the entire mansion and started her morning routine.

It was already seven when she stepped into the kitchen and she was welcomed by three maids who looked quite cheerful. They greeted her with a smile. 

"Hi, nice to meet you...how do you do? I am Jisoo..." one spoke up.

"Hi unnie, I am Jennie."

"Oh...you need not use any formalities...we can be good friends." the blonde girl said.


"No problem. I am Lisa and she is Chaeyoung...but she prefers herself being called Rose." 

"Hi Lisa. Hi Rose. Nice to meet you." Jennie smiled.

"If you have any problem you can share it with us...we'll be very grateful to help you." Jisoo smiled.

"Sure." Jennie.

"Oh look who's up!!" a high pitched tone came from behind Jennie. Not turning she already knew who it was. Jennie noticed the smiles of the three's fading.

Slowly she turned back and her suspicion came true. It was Sana.

"G-good morning Sana..." Jennie stuttured as her innocent soul couldn't find words to speak out.

"Oh please...I don't except good mornings from a criminal...no wonder you could also kill me in a blink of an eye. I won't take any risk..." Sana replied in a satrically.

Her words hit Jennie hard. 'Am I really a criminal...I killed my love...after all it was my fault. I f I wouldn't have pushed him that day he would've still been alive.' Jennie thought tearing up.

"Please don't cry...criminals shouldn't regret or else where is your professionalism? Be practical. Be a popular criminal whose pictures will be posted on wanted lists." Sana chuckled. 

Sana stepped forward which made Jennie back away. The other three looked in terror.

"What are you doing Sana ssi?" Jennie's voice broke as a teardrop made its way out of her eyes.

Without caring to reply, Sana held Jennie's right arm and slapped herself hard with it. Jennie was both shocked and confused. She slapped herself with Jennie's hand until her cheeks were red. Sana let go of Jennie's arm when she sensed Taehyung coming from the back.

Sana teared up. "Baby! Look what Jennie did to me...she..." Sana ran and hugged Taehyung. Jennie was speechless after witnessing the intense drama.

"What did you do Jennie?" Taehyung asked his voice already engulfing of anger.

Before Jennie could speak Sana cried,"She slapped me."

"What! I didn't! I swea-" Jennie couldn't complete her sentence when she felt a painful sting on her right cheek. Her ears got deaf for a minute.

Jennie collapsed on the floor with a loud thud which caused her head to hit hard on the floor. Taehyung slapped her so hard that his own palm was stinging.

Jisoo, Lisa and Rose rushed forward with worried faces and Lisa cradled Jennie's head on her lap.

"Unnie? Are you okay?!" Lisa shouted as she was worried. Jennie's eyes were closed and she was not moving an inch.

Both Taehyung and Sana were shocked.

"Oh my god I think unnie is bleeding." Rose cried out as she pulled out her hands of Jennie's head and her palms were covered with blood.

"Rose call an ambulance, I am bringing an ice pack..." Jisoo.

Rose did as Jisoo instructed. Jennie still didn't move. She was not in her senses meanwhile Taehyung and Sana stood there speechless, Sana feeling a bit guilty for what she did.

--To be continued

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