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song of the chapter: smile by R5

to drink or not to drink coffee?

i was the type of person who would choose coffee anyday, but as of now i wanted to restrain myself just in case Matt's plane landed. i didn't want to miss any chances.

but in all honesty, the cafe i was staring at was literally luring me in with the smell of coffee beans it was emitting. screw it.

i collected my things and myself then trudged to the shop, feeling my eyes getting droopy with each step. yep, i really needed coffee.

i pushed open the glass doors and immediately smiled, already feeling like i was in heaven. it wasn't starbucks or coffee bean; it was a simple cafe.

i looked around and sighed in content. everything looked placid, with the way the room was decorated to a extended degree of feeling at home. the couches were a deep red color, and the coffee tables were like the ones i had at home. TVs were set on one corner, playing a particular movie that included a girl who pretended to be a boy in replacement of her brother, who went to play with his band somewhere else.

i went to the counter to order, my ankle boots making a noise on the wooden floor. i ordered a hot mint-chocolate flavored coffee and a slice of their chocolate mousse cake. it was what i needed, chocolate, to get myself awake and moving.

a soft song was playing in the background, and its lyrics were making me smile.

"today i feel like running naked on the street,

to get your attention


i broke up with my girl so tell me where to meet.

oh, did i mention?"

i founded myself turning on my phone and opening shazam just so i could know the song. in the process, my order was served to me on a tray so i put my phone down on the counter and picked up the red tray.

i turned around to look for a place to sit down, deciding that i could sit beside the window. i stalked over and sat down, hanging my backpack on the chair before turning my attention to the food.

as i ate, i watched how the steam from my coffee was arising. i had only taken one bite when i leaned back on the chair and closed one eye. i examined what was in front of me, concluding that it would make a great tumblr photo.

i smiled to myself and dug my hand in the backpack. my eyebrows furrowed. i didn't find it in the small front pockets so i pulled it onto my lap and searched on the inside. i wasn't sure if it was the dim lighting that was refraining me from seeing what was inside, so i dug my hand in and moved it around.

then after a minute i came to the conclusion that my phone wasn't with me.

"oh shit," i muttered in monotone. i looked at the table but only saw the food and coffee. it wasn't stuck to my body since my leggings didn't have pockets. i looked again in my bag and made sure that-

"oh god." my eyes widened as i stared at the cashier. i left it there. i stood up immediately once I had confirmed to myself that I had been careless and had left it there.

when i got there, a guy was standing in my way so i tapped him on the shoulder. once he turned around, i took no mind to his identity but focused on my beloved iphone, which thankfully was still the counter- safe and sound.

i bent over, snatched it, held it to my chest and cursed in that air for being so reckless. i've lost a lot of phones before, but i promised to not let go of this one. i bought it with my own money, and i realized that it was valuable to me than to anyone else.

the guy in front of me chuckled, but my eyes stayed glued to the phone, trying to look for anything damaged. gratefully there was none.

"you haven't changed, miky."

i freezed.

the voice made my heart beat faster, the hair on my neck to stand and my stomach to do somersaults. i had been wanting to hear this voice for a long time, and for the speaker to finally come back.

with this voice came memories that my heart cherished, from the moment we met at an ice cream parlor to the minute he waved to me one last time before the plane doors closed.

and finally, he was here with me- right in front of me.

i stared at matt longer that i should of had.

my eyes scanned his disheveled hair, soft skin, eyes, pointed nose and lips. i couldn't get over the fact that he was taller than me unlike before, when we were still the same height. he towered over me, almost half a foot more. it wasn't normal for me to be looking up at him, literally, since we used to be the same height a few years back.

i have had dreams of him coming back home, but any person would actually make sure that they weren't sleeping or that they weren't seeing a ghost. so i did the most obvious thing people would do-

i slapped him.

the sound echoed through the whole cafe, which caused people to turn their attention to us. matt's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me in shock. "mika.."

i couldn't hold myself back anymore so i hugged him tightly. burying my face in his neck.

slowly, i felt his arms snake around my waist and his hands settled on my back, running them up and down.

"i thought you weren't coming tonight." i mumbled into his neck, inhaling his scent.

"of course, i'll come back. i always will," he pulled me back by my shoulders and for the first time in a few years, he stared into my eyes. "for you."

"still, you worried me, you little dipshit." he chucked at my words and i pushed myself back to his chest.

i didn't know how much i had missed him until know. he swayed me from side to side and planted a soft kiss to my forehead, my face heating up at his simple action.

he was home, and that was all i could ask for.

for now.

//so matt came back, do you think it will be a good milestone or nah?//

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