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~ Luka ~

His soggy, blue hair stuck to his head like a helmet as tears trickled down his face.

He was freezing and soggy but these factors could never outweigh the sadness that he felt wrenching, pounding in his heart.

Luka wrapped his arms tightly around his rib cage, shallow, shaky breaths the only thing he could hear and warm clouds of breath the only thing he could see through his bleary eyes.

How could Marrinette not trust him? How could the girl he tried so hard to get: so, so hard, had betrayed him? How could she?

His beautiful, blue haired, soft skinned princess had become yet another victim of the blonde haired, teenage heart throb who could give two damn shits if she existed or not.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! This is a new sweatshirt and my trainers are already ruined! And my raincoat-"

Both teens collided, taking them both down with each other.

"Oh! Luka! Oh my goodness, what's wrong?" Chloe stumbled up from the ground and  rubbed her throbbing head.

She bent down to help her friend up and held her umbrella over his wet torso, reaching as high as she could to cover him from the torrential rain.

"What ever happened to you? You poor thing! Let's get you back to daddies hotel, I'm sure he won't mind."

"Oh n-no Chloe, don't bother, I'm fine," Luka rasped through chattering teeth.

"Luka don't play dumb with me, I'm not six anymore." Chloe led him through the rain back to her home: 'Le Grand Paris Hotel.'

It was luxurious and imperial type of hotel, "Only the best one in Paris!"  she would boast in class.

As Luka stepped into the hotel, his body was flooded with warmth and he felt a great sense of relief.

All he wanted to do now was to pour his heart out his friend about what he had endured just minutes ago.

"Ahhhh Luka! Long time no see: you look soaked! Let's get you to a room of your own right away, free of charge." Mr Bourgeois enetered from the elevator, bellowing his words and winking at Luka as he said the final sentence.

"Daddykins!" Chloe ran over to her father and wrapped her arms around his bloated neck.

"You're back from New York with mother!" She took a step back, "Is...is she here?"

"Oh! Uhm about that Chloe...! Your mother decided to stay there and is working on a new line of clothing for the new season."

"Oh...I see..." Chloe looked at the floor "Well I better be off then, I'll show Luka to his room."

"Bye sweetheart!"

Chloe snatched Luka's hand, making him gasp, and dragged him towards the elevator.

A/n: Hey! I hope you all liked this short chapter! I will be writing more if this gets attention. Also, in this story Luka and Chloe both go to the same school alongside the rest of the usual classmates. Make sure to tag your friends if you want more updates, thanks for reading! More chapters coming soon!

Disclaimer- I do not own any of these characters

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