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Some girl visited korea and met her friend .. They were talking and the girl found out that her friend was dating kris in 2013 (i think) .. She said=

On February 23, a netizen posted that former EXO-M's Kris (Wu Yifan) had previously dated her friend in 2013 and shared several private pictures of Kris as proof of the relationship.
The poster, under the username "minaminabby," claimed that her friend dated Kris back in 2013 and talked in detail about matters related to Kris, including his decision to leave SM Entertainment. In addition to the multiple pictures of Kris, the post included a screenshot of a message of someone calling Kris "Husband" and sending him racy photos.
The photos in the post have been confirmed to be taken from Kris's phone in 2013. However, according to Chinese portal site Sina, the post may not be credible as they said, "The pictures are from Kris's SNS which was hacked last November. Additional details will require further investigations."
The original post has since been deleted, but the entire post has been reposted on several occasions. A clarification was later made, stating that the user who initially uploaded the post was an admin of "exo-kr.tumblr.com," a blog said to have shared hacked, stolen, and sasaeng photos of EXO members. In addition, a clarification was made saying that the post was actually a fanfic written about Kris that used hacked images.
The original post reads as follows:
Pictures Kris sent my friend in case you don't believe me:

I'm not really an avid fan of KPOP but I guess this might interest people here. A month ago I returned to Korea to reside with my sister and her husband in Seoul and met up with one of my friends (I won't give her real name so I'll refer to her as "Bona"). It had been almost 5 years since I had been in Korea so we obviously talked about how our lives had been since than and she had mentioned that she had been in a few relationships, none of them very longterm, one of them being with a male celebrity. Of course she would not give his name but I kept on nagging her so she finally admitted it was Kris from boygroup EXO.
Some of the pictures between them (well that he sent her):

"Bona" said that she met Kris through mutual friends (it was one of those friends-of-friends type of situations; a close childhood friend knew a someone who knew him) and that they dated sort of on-and-off for several months.
Pictures of them together when they first got together:

She said their relationship itself was always difficult to maintain, especially when he had people like Lin Xin Ya in his life (they did date long before "Bona" met him and she later found out that he still had her number so even though he denied that he kept in contact with her, "Bona" thinks they still did) and because he did keep in contact with other girls while they were dating (mostly Chinese girls as you can tell by the below picture).

Translation of the screenshot:
*** The person is called rabbit on top of the messenger screen- ***
Kris: About 30 minutes
Bona: -Photo-
Bona: Husband, I took this picture just for you
Kris: (Heartface)
Bona: Do you like it
"Bona" said things started to change when he met Chinese actress/director in December (2013) and he began a campaign to be signed to her movie as he believed she could make him famous. My friend stated that Kris was absolutely sure that he would become a massive celebrity in China and was absolutely certain that becoming an actor would be much better for him money and popularity wise.
"Bona" said that he began to make plans for his lawsuit and by April, he had shown her letters of support from both his mother and 2 friends who were also with his company at some point in time that he would submit to court as his proof and had prepared everything for his departure (besides telling his group and manager since he did not feel like they would support his decision to leave and he didn't want them to stop him). I don't know much about his case but "Bona" said she did read one of the letters and the letter claimed that Lee Soo Man was like a "father figure" in the company who had promised him he would become famous, that after he left his group back in early 2013, he had to apologize to all the members and management in order to return, member Suho was made the leader of the whole group (Kris was still leader of EXO-M publicly) and he was treated differently because of his sudden departure.
My friend said that she didn't involve herself too much in his professional life since she didn't want him to stop his dreams but she did feel like he was playing a risky game with what he was trying achieve.
"Bona" said that Kris claimed in his case that he left due to family/personal problems back in early 2013 but she said that he admitted to her back in December when he had first met Xu Jing Lei that he had become frustrated and distressed about how EXO hadn't becoming anything almost a year after their debut despite all their promoting and he had tried to leave in order to become free from SM and move on to become an actor in China (he had to return after he realized how difficult it would be). He complained to her the members were not trusting of him after he suddenly left (there was the issue of their comeback being delayed because of his departure) and that he had hoped that they would have understood his desire to go solo. "Bona" said that Kris, for whatever reason, was always the type who unconsciously put his feelings and desires first so when it came to the awkward relationship between him and his members following his return, he genuinely believed he was the one who should be pitied for not being able to leave and did not seem to understand his members feelings of betrayal with him. She said she was surprised that he didn't feel like he had done anything wrong at all and did not take his position as leader to be someone who should put his group's interests first. Instead his first reaction was to do whatever was the best in his interest.
Concerning EXO, "Bona" said she didn't know them (she never met any of them personally) but Kris's relationship with his members mostly consisted of his close relationship with Tao, however it had become strained after he originally left in April 2013 because Tao seemed to be the childlike type who really seemed to consider Kris like a brother and had taken it as a personal betrayal when he had left. Their relationship seemed to return back to normal and other than that, my friend didn't notice anything substantial about his friendship with his other members.
She said he smoked and drank (the group management was always trying to stop him and some other members from drinking or smoking too much) but he was always in good health. Other than that, there was nothing else out of the ordinary about him: "Bona" said that he always planned his airport outfits out in advance (always taking pictures of his clothes to see what was most "stylish") and that when they met up (or when he was with friends), he used to make sure to wear designer brands in case fans spotted him while he was out.
Finally, "Bona"said Kris was always the type who had bigger dreams for himself than EXO when it came to being a celebrity and making money (he really wanted to do everything and really seemed to believe that he deserved the best), so she was not at all surprised by his lawsuit or the fact that he finally has become an actor.

BTW Bona is the name given to kris's girl friend because she didnt want to reveal her full name ..
Picture above is kris and his girlfriend.. (Just their hands cuz i couldnt find the girl's pic)

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