Part 1

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"Hug Time." The Snack Pack gathered in for a group hug, showing their love for one another. "Bunker will self destruct in 30 seconds," Branch's voice interrupted, coming out of nowhere. All the troll's heads turned, seeing Cloud Guy holding Gary. "See? Agent of chaos," he said, with a smug grin on his face.
"No!" Shouted the 9 friends, as they ran towards the mishtivous cloud.

As they reached him. He poofed away, reappearing back where the trolls had first started. The friends stopped, turning to look back at him, as he waved Gary around, tauntingly.

"Give me back my son!" Branch screamed. He pounced at Cloud guy, but ended up flying right through him.

"Bunker will self destruct in 10 seconds," Branch's voice rang out again. Branch looked at the door mat which was the entrance to his beloved bunker, from where he sat on the ground on his hands and knees.

"No!" He shouted.
"Please Cloud Guy! Give Gary back to Branch, so he can stop this," Poppy pleaded. Cloud Guy thought about it. "Okay, Brancharoo. Come get it," he said, holding out Gary to him. Branch stood, and ran towards Cloud Guy, his arms outstretched to grab Gary.

As he was about to grab him, Cloud Guy pulled his hand away, casing Branch to stumble and fall. "Too slow," he said, holding up Gary, as he laughed.

"Bunker will self destruct in 5 seconds."
"No, please!" Branch cried out. "That's my home!" He stood, running towards his bunker. "Branch, no!" Poopy yelled, reaching her arm out to stop him, but he just kept running, tears in his eyes.


Fire shot out from the welcome mat hatch in a huge explosion, knocking all the trolls backwards. Smoke flooded the area, as all the trolls in the village came to see what had happened.

The snack pack sat up from where they lay on the ground, looking at the distraction right in front of them.

"Ugh..." Poppy groaned, as she sat up, rubbing her head. "Branch? Branch!" She jumped to her feet. Branch was nowhere in sight. "Branch!" Poppy screamed, running into the smoke. "Poppy! Wait!" Smidge called out, but Poppy only cared about finding her best friend.

As she ran through the smoke, she suddenly saw a figure up ahead on the ground. "Branch!" she shouted, running towards the figure.

She reached the area where the entrance to Branch's bunker used to be, and kneeling on the ground in front of it was Branch.

Poppy stopped, looking down at Branch. "Branch?" she said, quietly.
"It's gone..." Branch said in a low voice. "My home is gone..."

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