royal twilight :)

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edward P.O.V

Cullen family

? Carlisle- king -vampire- caring and see solutions

? Esme - Queen - vampire- forgiving and see good

Edward- prince- mind reader and changes minds and eraser minds

*Rose-princess- vampire- changes objects

*Emmett-prince- vampire- strongest and fighting

$Alice- princess-vampire-see future and makes people happy

$Jasper -prince-vampire- mood changer and see weakness

Mark-prince- vampire-shoots fire and light

I was in my room reading when Carlisle I my room and sat on my bed. I was going to read is mind. When he spoke "Edward I would not ask you this you but we are losing our hold in Mia, and the only way to keep it is to marry one of their daughters"

"Wait and that means me I-I-I-I-I-I" I stuttered why was this happening to me I did not want to get married to some princess who felt the world was her or she stuck up.

"Edward I know but it is to make friends with them and they are all good looking lady's" he said try to win me over I had to do this for my father

"Fine who is the girl you had in mind for me to pick" I sad looking out the window.

"Well I don't know I will have to talk to the king there, thank you Edward" and he walked out the room

2 day later

I had agreed to marry one of the king's daughters, I hope they are one of those princess that are vain and are in to them self. Any way we are walking in in the room. Alice was happy she will have a new sister, but I did not want to get married to someone I don't know.

We came in the room to see an old man reading in the thrown.

He looked up and said "nice to meet all"

"Nice to meet you to" Esme said with a smile she was also happy to have a new daughter.

And then there was a scream from somewhere I looked to see want the king would do, but he just rolled his eyes.

Then we heard some girls speaking "I told you not to do it" then hold lot of murmurs happened and could not hear anything.

The king said "Get Bella tell her nothing if she asks" I token want he said he had not told his daughter, how could he of done that.

The guard left to get her I spoke "you have not tell her"

He replied "she different from the others, she has not had no interest marring someone next in line for the crown" then the door opened the guard walk in with a girl head in a book. Not looking at the want was around her.

"Bella" her father called but nothing. Then finished the page and looked all and the most beautiful face I ever seen, with lovely pale skin and blue eyes that you can look in forever.

"Yes father why am I here I need to go help Amy-" he cut her off

"Bella this is the Cullen's the parts we don't own, so we have come to agreement that you and his son Edward-" before he can say the rest

"Wait I was brought here for arrange marriage isn't it" she said not very pleased with her dad.

"I know that you disagree with this but-" he was stopped again

"I disagree with this I banned this from happing, and you know want I will not marry someone I don't know" she turned to walk away

"You will not walk away from me, and you will marry him and that it" the king shouted

"I will not or I will leave and you will lose all you allies" she said back

He went silent looking at her for weakness "if you don't there might be a war that kills many and it will be your fault. Do you want that?"


"Then you will marry him" pointing to me but she will not look up. I felt so bad for her of want her father did.


"Great you will go with them now I will tell your sisters and brother"


"All your stuff her outside now go, my darling it is for the best." Her father goes on

She does not answer back she walk out the room with no feeling at all................................

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