The Beginning

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Thick layers of clouds covered the blue sky, cold rain poured down without mercy for those below. Soaking anyone who wasn't undercover. Most who did dare venture outside carried an umbrella that protected them from the pounding water. One of these individuals was Muzan Kibutsuji.

Muzan Kibutsuji was a near-perfect being, who has lived for centuries. He never worried for anything, for all things pose him no threat. Except one, which is the sun, and despite being older than any living thing, he has yet to overcome the sun. That alone reminds him every sunrise he has yet to be perfect.

His thoughts were interrupted when a small girl's giggles caught his attention. Dark plum red eyes narrowed at the sight of a young girl about five or six years of age. The girl wore a tattered black kimono splattered with mud, her long (h/c) hair was plastered on her face. She shivered at the feeling of the cold droplets of water but her happy smile never faded. Enchanting heterochromia eyes opened at the feeling of being watched.

Black and (e/c) met with crimson. The girl merely smiled.

"You have pretty eyes" she chirped.

"What?" Growled out the demon. Not please such a filthy animal complimented him. She simply giggled at his expression.

"You do have pretty eyes, is it natural?" she asked, eyes brimming with curiosity.

Before Muzan could answer, the (h/c) turned. The sound of a distant voice became apparent after a few seconds. What piqued Muzan's curiosity was the fact he didn't hear the voice before she did. Her black and (e/c) eyes found their way to a tall figure, who was not happy about being soaked.

"Brat! Get inside, we can't have you dying yet!" Snapped a male voice.

"Okay, father" She replied. "Bye-bye pretty eyed man,"

She followed quickly behind the man. Giving the demon king a bright smile and a wave meanwhile he stared at her leaving figure.


 The man was tall and muscular with a permanent scowl etched into his face. He has dark black hair and equally dark eyes. He wore a dark blue kimono that faded to black. His sandals slammed into the ground with each step sending water spraying onto the (h/c).

They arrived at a worn-down village that seemed like it was barely standing. Most of the area was devoid of any movement but there were a few people out in the downpour. Most did not pay any attention to the male or (y/n), though there were a few glances of pity for the young girl.

After all, the girl's life would be over soon. She was going to be sacrificed to the demon that the village worshipped.

They soon entered a small cottage that was littered with small holes. Taking their shoes off at the door they made their way further into the building.

"Ah Hideo, I see you retrieved (y/n)" A sweet voice called out to her husband.

Ruri was the wife of Hideo Sakai. She was a slim female whose light pink hair was usually tied up in a neat bun, but today hung in a loose braid. Her grayish-blue eyes narrow at the soaked black and (e/c) eyed girl.

"I see (y/n) got her kimono dirty again," Ruri sighed. "But I guess it can't be helped."

"Sorry, Ma" (y/n) smiled while Ruri smiled back at her daughter.

"Now, now go and eat." (y/n) mother said. "I made your favorite."

(y/n) expression filled with excitement as she ran out of the room in the direction of the food. Ruri's face fell when her daughter was out of earshot. A sullen expression took over her features.

"I do not see the point of feeding her, she'll be food herself soon enough." Snapped Hideo, his wife let out a quiet gasp.

"Do not talk that way Hideo, whether you like or not she is our child." Snapped Ruri. "Just let her be happy for her remaining days."

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