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Alright, so I didn't give her a name (you can choose that) but I do want to clarify why the spots on her wings are blue. If your world doesn't have magic then I'm sorry and you can just get rid of the staff. Still gonna clarify just in case though. Since she's a mage (still in training though), she carries around a staff that she holds in her tail. Mage's staffs have magic stones from the beginning of the world that connect with only one mage and give them their power. This is why less and less mages' exist every generation, and why there are tests for telltale signs of being a mage. Those signs are slightly glowing wings and talons (they stop glowing once they find their stone), dark eyes, and slightly off body parts (on this particular dragon it's her tail, since they're not usually supposed to be that thin. Still thin, just not that thin). Once one is selected as a mage, they are assigned a teacher and set off on a journey to find the students stone. Every other week of that journey, they must only eat during the final hour of the night so they grow closer to the earth and feel called to by the stone. Once they find their stone, their once glowing but otherwise natural looking wings, sprout spots the color of their stone and a staff is made to store the stone. After that, the training mage learns all they need to know to become a proper mage. Since mages are rare, they are often employed by rich people so often are well payed. Some places are ruled by mages, and sometimes young mages are hunted down and taken before they learn how to protect themselves. Any questions?