4. 'white teeth teens' cover template

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FINAL PRODUCT resources used: picsart, phonto

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resources used: picsart, phonto

FINAL PRODUCT resources used: picsart, phonto

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background: pin

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background: pin.it/1VN8rYg
overlay: pin.it/39w7aha

font: didot italic


1. in picsart, add four of the same image to the background
2. in phonto, add your text
3. go back to picsart and erase the edges of the text to it looks like it's behind the pictures
4. add the overlay

note: if the links aren't working for you, the images
can be found on my pinterest @godichor

"template by eventualruin" is all you have to say!

GIVE CREDIT IF YOU USE THIS! "template by eventualruin" is all you have to say!

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© 2022 eventualruin

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© 2022 eventualruin

White Teeth Teens ── Graphic Help Where stories live. Discover now