Missing Love-L

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of suicidal thoughts. Suicide attempt. Mentions of depression.
(Maybe thoughts of self harm? You'll know it when you see it if it qualifies)

Louis was walking into the arena where they were going to be filming for the next X Factor episode and he was feeling a bit anxious as well as curious. Simon, Ayda, and Robbie were all rather cagey and secretive about this guest celebrity that was coming to perform for them. The only hint they would give was that he would know them when he saw them.

Simon's smirk didn't really do any favors for his anxiety on the matter either.

He shook himself out of his thoughts as he entered the communal dressing room where he saw Robbie and Ayda were already getting ready, "Hey Louis," Robbie greeted, "Are you ready for our mystery guest performer?"

"Don't be cheeky, mate you know I am." Louis snarked, "The lot of you being all secretive and shit. I'm just waiting like a ball of nerves here."

Robbie and Ayda just laughed while Louis could only smile at the couple. He looked away before he could lose himself in memories of a time when he would have someone to laugh with.

Nope, he shook his head as he sat down in his chair, Not gonna go there. I'm not gonna cry today.

Despite his internal thoughts, his mind does inevitably go to a time that he was happier. A time that he had someone to laugh with, to cry with, to do life with. The one who built him up so high, only to tear him down with one simple stroke.

Harry Styles.

Louis always was underconfident about himself. The way their label had treated them made him feel like he had the weakest voice out of One Direction, and honestly it hasn't really gotten any better since he went solo. He also had doubts about his looks and songwriting ability despite all evidence to the contrary.

Harry knew all this. Harry used all this.


Louis finished early at the studio and headed home to surprise Harry. He told him that he had a meeting with Management, but that he shouldn't be long so he should be home waiting for him.

When he opened the door, he noticed that the flat was eerily quiet first. Second, he noticed that there were bags packed near the entrance way to the flat, but all of this confused him because in all of this, he didn't see Harry anywhere.

As he walked further inside, he got a funny feeling in his gut that he didn't necessarily like, but pushed it aside when he saw Harry walking in towards the table with a sheet of paper and a pen. Louis was about to say something to him when he looked up and all he saw was surprise and resignation in Harry's green eyes.

"Louis...you're home early." He said flatly, his eyes losing their usual shine.

Louis was taken aback at the usually bright boy being so dull with him and tentatively answered, "Well yeah. Finished a bit early and thought I'd come home to surprise you. So surprise!"

Harry's lips twitched a little at that, but his eyes if anything lost more color, he sighed, "I was hoping to do this the simple and easy way, but I guess we can't have everything..."

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