Makino. A green headed bartender watched in amazement as Luffy, a seven year old boy known around the village as a cute little trouble maker, out-ran a fully grown man into the bar. Shanks stood back behind Luffy on his knee's catching his breath "Goddamn kid... we ran across the whole island to get here *huff* couldn't we have had at least one break on the way?" He said between multiple heavy breaths. Luffy was laughing his ass off at the man's lack of youthful energy. "Cmon old man! I thought you would've been able to keep with me, guess not." Luffy said as he folded his arms behind his head and presented a friendly tooth filled smile, shanks could only chuckle at the boy who reminded him of a certain pirate king. "Anyhoo—this here is the bar! Now call your friends so we can get this party started!" Luffy exclaimed, pumping both of his hands into the air. The later part of that day was spent trying to recruit his pirate crew who were all the way on the other side of the island all the way over to the small bar, and by the time all of them entered the bar it was late in the night. "To Anchor boy! The little rascal who found us a good bar to drink in!" Shanks shouted, raising a cup of bear with one arm causing some of it to spill out onto his hand. Everyone followed in suit thrusting their bear cups into the air and yelled with drunken vigor. "TO ANCHOR!" Their voices echoed through the night with Luffy standing by shanks on a green stool laughing happily as the night's activities filled him with energy. Shanks, through his drunken haze, accidentally smacked a small chest off of the wooden counter. Luffy of courses noticed this and quickly went to grab the chest with his hands, they were too stubby and he resorted to the one thing he was great at; eating. Instead of catching the chest in his mouth, though, he ends up with a strange swirly purple fruit in it. With a panicked reaction he took a huge bite out of it and forced it down his throat without swallowing it which almost made him choke. The aftertaste only made it worse as he leaned over the stool, and threw up his breakfast all over the floor. "Wha... what was that fruit! It was horrible!" He yelled out and shook his head, turning around after hearing shattering glass he saw as Shanks fell to the ground with glass shards covering him. His eyes widened in shock as he registered who did this to him, the mountain bandits, the same guys who killed his beloved animal friends. "You..." Pure malice flowed out from his voice as his eyes met the bandits, no mercy was left within the sweet child's eyes. "KILLED MY FRIENDS!!!" Luffy yelled with power as tears fell from his eyes; power surged out from him like a hurricane which bruised and battered the souls of these men into submission. One by one the bandits passed out, the last being the leader who reached out towards Luffy before falling forward with his eyes rolling into the back of his head. "Son of a gun... what did you just do Luffy! That was amaze-" Shanks stood up and glanced around the bar and to where Luffy was just standing. Luffy was nowhere to be seen. "....Ing?" Shanks finished with uncertainty as the grandson of Garp disappeared without a trace. "Anchor?! Luffy?!" Shanks shouts out with urgency as he runs out of the bar. Gingerbread man was gonna find his anchor.
(Should i continue this fanfic? This is my first, and i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by getting some of the characters wrong. Just type your opinion in the comments and tell me, should i stop?)
Luffy: The Haki User
AdventureLuffy a small child grew up on foosha village being pestered by his grandfather to get stronger so he can join the marines. What if he becomes too strong, and sides with the pirates instead? Find out what happens in this fantastical Wattpad of a you...