SIX: Brady's Woes [1/4]

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I stood on the balcony outside the nightclub and surveyed the dance floor. It was filled with the usual mix of patrons. The first group being werewolves that craved making trouble away from rule enforcers of the pack. Rule enforcers were elders and parents that weren't at complete ease that teen werewolves could have fun around humans without exposing and therefore risking the whole community.

Then there was the second group; humans constituting the club patron number by ninety percent. They were loud, careless and mostly seniors from school. All of us were out here on fake IDs. The DJ took a second to announce Danielle and the crowd went berserk because she was a great performer. Hands went up in the air with hundreds of iPhone screens lit to catch highlight moments in photo galleries and social media for clout and keepsake.

"Brady!" The fence team captain yelled out my name. In one hand he held a three quarters full bottle of grey goose. And in the other, an iPhone was tilted to get me on camera for his thousand plus followers.

I grinned holding up my own bottle of the same white spirit in salute and chugged a good chunk of it, for the camera. As I did so, I caught a familiar smell; Pomegranate and vanilla.

I looked to my right and saw him.

Malia's twin brother in a nightclub.

You don't understand, Malik didn't club, every inch of him was a solid testament to his glowing, pretty boy status and to my delight he seemed like he was having a good time for once. Moving sinuously to music. I gulped another sip still not believing he was mated to anyone else other than me. A female no less.

Because he always had come off as gay and I'd sort of had a thing for him.

I felt my lips stretch out in a smile because I knew that even though he so obviously danced like that and If I or any of my friends were to ask him. He'd vehemently deny it. One time when he was thirteen Evan caught him checking out a guy. But when confronted, he threw a fit that had resulted in us unnecessarily getting the freeze out treatment from his twin sister. The wolf in me enjoyed giving her brother a thorough teasing. So for a second, I considered issuing the boy an invite to hang out, but I was with the gang and none of them fucked with him. He had two problems; too sensitive and too emotional. He took everything way too personally like such a girl.

Tyler stepped up to the railing beside me. "How'yu holding up?"


"The witch-hunt is tomorrow, we need you in shape." he reminded.

"I know," I replied..

"You look horrible," He paused, then finally said out his thoughts as my Beta. "You need a fix, to shape up for tomorrow."

He was talking about how sex could relieve me if I focused on pleasure. Because ever since I started feeling made, something hadn't been right with me. I'd get hazes where my vision went blurry at the most importune times, I felt drained for strength all the time and I had tried every orthodox relief method. Nothing worked except fucking but I'd get nauseous in the middle of it. So even though it offered some relief it came with a lot of work.

"I saw Olivia drinking pineapple juice by the bar and Amanda is on the dance floor burning off tequila shots with her friends. Pick your vice." Both girls were humans and far better than were girls to fuck around with.

"I need a minute to breathe." just as I said that my breathing labored and my gums started to hurt the same way they would before a shift.

Very quickly Tyler bumped his shoulder against mine, within the second Greg rushed over to press his controlled weight against my side. I leaned into them, deepening the contact. Blue blooded wolves like me craved touch after being made and when drained for power, we could be recharged by our mates. However, my mate hadn't shown up yet despite the clear fact that I'd been revealed to them already. Because of that for months now I'd been draining off the power a lot. Sir Isaac had recommended I not go anywhere without my servers so they could substitute my mate in all other ways but the ways that actually mattered.

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