Blurb 1- Meeting

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Anya found herself where she's been so many times, between a handful of people she's never seen before. Well she's seen one of them before, a tall creature who no one in the collection has placed exactly what he is. Angel and Daemon were the most common guesses but there were always things to disprove those theories. He smiles falsely and introduces himself to the group as Noctis and gestures to the rest of the group to do the same as he looks at the book in his hand, eyes flicking up through his eyelashes when he hears the others.

The young looking sprite? Or something like it slammed faer hands on the table indicating faer turn. "I am Arte," And fae mouth continues moving onto assumingly a last name while static fills Anya's ears. "I'll be helpful with sneaking and stealing." Fae speaks loud and childlike before dropping back down on Faer chair and leaning it on two legs. Crossing Faes arms with a smirk.

The young looking woman raises her hand to get everyone's attention, when she knows she has everyone's eyes and ears she brushes her hair behind her ear. "Blix, and my partner here's name is Jasper." She pulls the short man closer to her, who flushes and grins with wild teeth, hands busy wrapping and unwrapping cloth on a dagger hilt. She lets him go quickly so he can focus deeper on the fabric, but jostles his hair a bit before speaking again. "We both can fight easily on the front line and will not be distracted, I also have medical training." She nods at Anya once she's done talking, queuing her to speak and others to listen in one subtle motion.

"My name is Anya," The formality feels foreign on her lips, even with the amount of times she's had to say the same lines. "I've been told I'm the most skilled archer in this community." Skillfully avoiding any of their faults. The others hadn't so I shouldn't need to either, she thought. The others nod and stay silent, hoping for someone else to bring up the task assigned to us. After a few beats Anya raises her voice, their eyes on the tall man's wings and how they fade into the wall. "Noctis, we have some history but I'm assuming the others don't, would you like to share what you bring to the table?"

The fucker grins, even lets out a small laugh by the end of the question. "Well I may not bring much in the sense of battle." He leans forward putting his elbows on the table and resting his chin in his hands. "Lets just say you guys can't die if I don't let you pass on." His wings flutter once, twice, and a feather falls loose. "As long as you aren't constantly ding dong ditching Death's door like this one you'll probably be fine with just Blix's help." Anya can feel all the eyes on her at that last statement, but thankfully no one mentions it before following on to the mission plan. 

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