the recipe to disaster

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Ena walks over and takes a seat on your bed,You sit right next to her. "It really simple actually, all you have to do is click this search bar and type whatever it is you would like to know." You say to ena. "My, that is rather simple" ena replies doing as you instructed with ease. "What ingredients are needed to make a fruit cake" ena types, she then reads aloud the results, "2 cups of candied apples,2 cups of candied cherries,2 cups of candied pineapples, 2 cups of candied raisins, 1 pound walnuts,one pound almonds, 5 eggs,1 cup sugar,and 3 teaspoons baking  powder"."wow that's a lot of ingredients" she says before her face changes colors and turns black and white as she begins to cry her voice distorting and raising in pitch as she crys,"I would most likely have to go foraging for days to find all of this, I'm such a disappointment" she sobs. Even tho she is a random creature that appeared in your room, 10 minutes ago,It makes you sad to see her this upset also a bit confused as to what happened to her face, and her voice, your first instinct is to hug her and calmly tell her "There is no need to go foraging, you can just go to the grocery store." She sniffs a couple of times before asking still in her distorted higher pitched voice "w-what's a grocery store, is it like an auction-" "no, not really it's just a place where you go in, get stuff you need, and then pay and exit" "i-is there people" she stutters in her weird voice still. "yes b-" but before you can finish your sentence she sobs, and throws up on herself, but this only makes her more upset. "oh my- I'm such a  disgusting person" she sobs "not really caring about the mess you hug her tighter, "I have only known you for 15 minutes but i already know that's not true" you say back to her. "R-really" she replies "really" you say back to her in a confident voice. Her face then turns back to its original yellow and blue color "Much apologies" she says in her normal voice but she still dose sound a bit embarrassed. Relived she's back to normal you let go of her. You didint want to stress her with any questions about what just happened so you just asked "would you like a new shirt?" "If that is not too much trouble" she replies.

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