CH 17

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                                                             A FEW MONTHS HAD PASSED

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                                                             A FEW MONTHS HAD PASSED.

They both had become very close now. Everything had been very similar like it was in starting. They both stayed in that house only and their days were spent half in cafe and half hanging around anywhere. Anywhere but at the house. They went home only to sleep and all day they went around different places. And except for mocha many other things had kibo made for her. KULFI, PANCAKES, CAKES, and an indian dish PAW BHAJI, This was the most delicious thing she had ever had. They made different-different dishes weekly but most of them were fails as Monessa was the one trying.

They both had grown quite close. They even slept in same room or same bed sometimes after being exhausted from all  the work. (work = Fun they had and the running they did while chasing after each other.)  They both had distributed the house work in which cooking was all over for Kibo as Monessa was a big mess. She would go to kitchen to cook but end up eating the packed stuff or Kibo's food which he had to hide from this foodie girl. They both were very much like siblings but the odd thing is that they always had thoughts of doing romantic things together. But always ignored them.

Right now they both are sitting on the sofa in the lobby and are getting bored. When suddenly Kibo spoke up "You know What date is it today?" and got a 'Yes it's 14th february' So kibo continued "Today is VALENTINES DAY. It is a day on which two people Who love each other hang out and have fun together. And here are we two not doing anything laying on the sofa bored." Monessa just hummed  and didn't say anything when Kibo spoke up "Hey you haven't seen any movie in cinema yet right? Let's go And watch a movie today. Get up and get ready!!!!!" He exclaimed very excited and stood up to get ready.


Right now, Monessa is waiting for Kibo so that they can go in the hall. Monessa is very impatient to go in there and watch the movie on a very big screen. It is her first time in there as they never got this thought. Kibo is gone to buy popcorn and snacks for them. And finally he came whispering a 'Let's go '. And they went inside when Monessa remembered and asked "What movie are we watching?" And Kibo was like "Uh....Kabir singh " And Monessa was ok. As she didn't knew anything about the movie. But she found it weird that There are no children there at all, but ignored. 

Throughout the whole film Kibo was awkward  and Monessa was normal until their hands collided  for popcorn and Kibo was like 'shitshitshitshit'  And Monessa did feel weird but ignored that part.

After coming out of the hall They both looked at each other a bit awkwardly when kibo spoke up "How was the movie?" and she smiled so widely and said "I loved this movie, It was so lovely and cute and touching also especially at the end. Just WOW!" And Kibo also smiled and said "let's go get dinner. What do you want for dinner?" And Monessa said "Let's eat your choice today." Kibo thought for a second and said "Let's try Street food today" and they both left the place in search of their dinner.

They were walking through different streets when they heard a different type of horn and saw a breadman on a bicycle, he was selling POI (Poi= a street food of goa made of rice husk and is slightly sweet in taste and is very fluffy.). They both saw each other and went to him and bought some and tasted it. It was so light and tasty, It can be eaten with anything for taste booster but they found it better like this only. They were so satisfied of the taste when Monessa spoke up "I have been staying here for so long why didn't I ate it earlier? Its is nice."

And they continued their search for the food. They tasted different-different thing and had so much fun while roaming around Shouting around in the quiet roads as it was very late. When suddenly Kibo's phone rang. It was an alarm. It was set for 12:00 Midnight With a small note. Which was.....

                                                                                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY                                                                                                                                                                      YOU WEIRDO                                                                                                                                                               ❤💕💖💖🎉🎉🥳🥳

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