Wake Up

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"Wake up"
"Wake the fuck up"

"Ok, ok I'm up" I say laughingly.

"We have to leave for school in like 10 minutes"

Today was the first day of Junior year. Only two years left of high school. The person that just woke me up was my best friend, Ember. She is a morning person, somehow. Me on the hand not so much. How could you blame me though? Schools the exact same every year.

"Are you coming Ivory. We only have 7 minutes until we have to leave"

"Ugh" I check my phone, then hurry out of bed. I then get dressed for the first day. We have to wear uniforms which are super ugly. The uniforms are our school colors, blue and black. I will admit though that the uniforms are pretty comfortable. After putting on my school uniform I put on my special necklace. It was the last thing my mom gave me before she died. The necklace has a ruby on it that glistens with my uniform. After that I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Than I brush my hair. Than I look at my phone and realize it's time to go.

"Shit, I don't have time to put on makeup" I whisper to myself.

"Yeah you definitely don't" Ember says from behind me. "We're already running late now, get your sorry ass outside to the car in the next 5 minutes or else I'm leaving you here."

Ember walks away leaving me by myself. I hurry up and put on my red Jordan's than run out the door to the car before Ember gets mad at me. I look a little messy but I guess that's what I get for ignoring my alarm 3 times this morning.

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