The foursome walked past the man, clutching their bags, and onto a narrow sheet metal gangway, surrounded by wire mesh, towards an ominous, dark doorway. The thick door was open, allowing the soldiers and passengers to enter the Crawler. They walked across the metal bridge, which creaked and swayed underfoot. Enna gripped Willow's hand.
The door opened onto a long, dark hallway that curved upwards to match the shape of the robot. The corridor was dimly lit with long, glowing strips embedded in the wall. The air vents overhead made a deep thrumming noise. At the end of the hallway was a large set of sleek metal double doors that led into the main elevator shaft.
The kids entered the elevator, which was very large. It had one thick railing encircling the edge of the lift. Like the hallway, it was dimly lit by glowing strips on the walls. The elevator moved up, then rocketed down a horizontal shaft. The four kids disembarked onto a long hallway lined with doors.
"Where are we?" Enna asked looking around the dimly lit hallway. A small group of people dressed in white uniforms were conversing at the end of the hall, but otherwise the four children were the only ones in the never-ending stretch of doors.
"I'm not sure," Robin muttered. "This is floor eight alright, but I don't know where compartment E47 is."
Willow began to stroll along the hall squinting at the steely doors to see if she could make out any numbers. Alva followed, taking pictures of the hall with his camera watch as they went.
"I can't believe we're actually inside a giant robot!" Enna whispered to Robin. She felt as though talking out loud would ruin the moment.
"It's not really a robot. More like a transporter or a self-operating desert bus," Robin replied.
"It's an awfully big bus," joked Enna.
"The numbers are written on the top of the door frame," called Alva.
"Found it!" cried Willow. "Compartment E47." She pointed to a door at the very end of the hallway, opposite from where the figures in white uniforms were conversing.
Enna, Robin and Alva walked quickly down the hall to stand in front of the door.
"Should we knock?" Alva asked sarcastically, looking at Robin.
"Oh, right!" Robin remembered, pulling a small strip of metal from the outside pocket of his bag.
"How come you get the ID card?" Willow asked as Robin inserted the key into a slit in the door.
"I'm the oldest," Robin replied matter-of-factly. A little green light came on at the top of the door.
"By two minutes," muttered Alva as the door swung open to reveal a small white room.
The compartment was indeed small. The room was no bigger than the attic bedroom Enna slept in at home, about 12 feet By 12 feet. Enna walked slowly around the plain room. Everything was standard- white walls, black and metallic steel furnishings. A set of bunk beds was pushed against the wall, simple steel platforms topped with thin white mattresses and black sheets and pillows. Army colors. A dresser sat next to the beds, plain steel with handle-less drawers. The floor had rough grey carpeting. A table and four seats were bolted to the floor on the other side of the room.
Enna walked slowly around the room, taking in her surroundings. She noticed the small window in the corner. She saw the dunes rolling into the distance. Alva and Robin both plopped their belongings on the top bunk nearest the door, and after a brief struggle, Alva moved to the other top bunk. Enna took the bunk under Robin and Willow took the bunk under Alva.
The group opened a small white military fridge and found some juice and chips. They put the bags of chips and the juice bottles on the table. Enna took her bottle off the table and she nearly spilled it when the Crawler's engines started.
Over the loud speaker they heard a loud, unfamiliar, male voice say"Will all passengers please get to there cabins."
A moment later a grinding sound reverberated through the cabin and the Crawler swayed. A huge boom accompanied the Crawler's first footfall.
"WILL EVERY STEP BE THIS LOUD?" Enna shouted over the grinding.
"I CERTAINLY HOPE NOT!" Robin yelled.
All of a sudden they heard a heavy, metallic bang and the footsteps quieted significantly. The crawler bobbed up and down with the quieted footsteps.
"I guess it won't all be that loud then," Willow joked.
A clanking noise was heard followed by a technical sounding beep, and the voice of General Movare filled the compartment.
"Welcome all to the first desert crawler military operation. As you have probably already realized, we have already begun to move away from the port. However, this is temporary, as we will be stopping at another port in about 30 minutes to pick up supplies. Anyone who wishes to exit the crawler may now dial the number 9 on your keypad to speak to me about leaving when we stop. After that our journey across the desert will take more than a few months, and we will not be stopping until we reach Farland unless it is an emergency. Please get comfortable and enjoy the ride."
"That was Dad!" Enna said, excited at the sound of his familiar voice.
"Hey guys, are we allowed to leave the compartment and go exploring?" Willow asked. "I'm curious about the other rooms in this place."
"Well, let's see," said Alva pulling out the touch tablet from the recesses of his bag and opening a file. "The Federation emailed everyone on board a map.... that's weird."
"What?" Said Enna leaning over his shoulder to see.
"The map has giant gaps in it. A lot of rooms aren't labeled." Alva said.
"Well, duh!" Willow said, opening her bag of chips, "The military probably doesn't want a bunch of kids snooping around in their arsenal. I'll bet those rooms are where they keep weapons."
"So the private kitchens are on the fourth floor, apparently we have our own chef." Robin muttered.
"Just the four of us?" Enna asked
"Yep. And Dad," Robin replied.
"Wow," Said Enna, "fancy."
"C'mon, guys, let's go" said Willow, grabbing her juice bottle.

A Rib Cage
AvventuraEnna's father is a general in the military of a future nation. Now, she and her three older siblings, twins Robin and Alva and fourteen-year old Willow must accompany him on a journey across the dessert to find a lost group of soldiers who were trav...