Season 1 Episode 7 - Little Girl

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Kim caught Rebecca and Jamie.
Jamie and Rebecca stood up to Kim and Cain as they defended their relationship to Cain and Kim's shock.

Rebecca is sitting at the table in Wishing Well Cottage and she is applying lipgloss on her lips. When Cain walks downstairs and looks to Rebecca and he walks into the kitchen and Cain says "Can we talk?" Rebecca says "I got school" and Cain nods his head and says "Yeah I know but I gotta talk to you" and Rebecca looks to Cain and asks "Is it about Jamie?". Cain stands at the table and says "This family and The Tate's despise each other and don't get along at all, so when I found out you and Jamie were together yeah I freaked out, of course I did but half the reason was because he was a Tate" and Rebecca asks "and the other half?" Cain looks to Rebecca and says "The other reason was because I didn't want to lose ya" and Rebecca looks at Cain in confusion and asks "How would you lose me''. Cain sighs and says "Well it's always just been you and me, like we're a team and Jamie being your first Boyfriend I guess I didn't want to be pushed out, and I guess my little girls growing up" and Rebecca smirks and says "You would never lose me Daddy, I love Jamie but you're my Dad and you wouldn't ever be pushed out" and Cain smirks and asks "You want a run into school" and she nods and says "Yeah, that would be good" and Cain smiles.

Kim is in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee when Jamie walks in and looks to Kim and she says "You'll be late for school" Jamie says "I know, I'm leaving now" and Kim says "Let me drive you?" Jamue picks up his schoolbag and says "Why? Just so ...

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Kim is in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee when Jamie walks in and looks to Kim and she says "You'll be late for school" Jamie says "I know, I'm leaving now" and Kim says "Let me drive you?" Jamue picks up his schoolbag and says "Why? Just so you can talk me out of being with Bekah? No thanks" and Jamie storms out of the house and Kim deeply sighs.

Lisa is sitting in The Woolpack as Rebecca enters the local pub and she walks to the bar

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Lisa is sitting in The Woolpack as Rebecca enters the local pub and she walks to the bar. Lisa looks to Rebecca and says "Bex? What you doing here Love? Shouldn't you be at school?" Rebecca looks to Lisa and approaches Lisa and says "I was looking for Chas, I didn't feel well so I got a half day" Lisa nods and says "Well Chas is in the back changing the barrell, I'm getting the feeling somethings wrong, so why don't you tell me what's going on?" Rebecca sits down at the table and says "The thing is I'm three weeks late and I keep being sick" and Lisa's face falls and she asks quietly "Have you taken a test?" Rebecca shakes her head and says "No, I'm scared to" and Lisa rubs Rebecca's arm and says "Don't worry, tomorrow I'll get a test for you and we'll get all this sorted. Have you told anybody else?" Rebecca shakes her head and says "You're the only one I told" and Lisa nods and says "Don't worry Honey, we will get this sorted" and Rebecca nods.

Kim threatens Rebecca to leave Jamie.
Rebecca takes a pregnancy test.

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