Leaving The School Grounds

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Satoru told Ryouma that a zombie bit him when he went out to get water, that was five minutes ago. It usually takes about 20 minutes for a living person to transform into a zombie, compared to a dead one. Satoru doesn't have much time left, even so, Ryouma doesn't plan to do nothing.
He have an idea, it may not work, but it's worth a try.

He got up from the infirmary bed then walked over to the nearby cabinet. Inside was a pair of scissors and other things. Ryouma grabbed them with some alcohol and bandages, then stabbed the palm of his hand with the scissors.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Satoru couldn't help but raise his voice.

"Trying to help you, so shut up and show me your wound." Ryouma demanded.

Ryouma's attitude irritated Satoru, getting on his nerves. "The wound on my arm was your fault, so stop treating me like that." He rolled up his sleeve, showing the bite mark.

"I can't take back what I said, but I can probably stop the virus from spreading." Ryouma said, while cleaning Satoru's wound.

"How do you plan to do that?" Satoru asked, trying not to get irritated.

"We'll see." Ryouma responded, then took a bottle of alcohol and poured it on Satoru's wound.

"Ouch! What are you doing?!" Satoru exclaimed in pain and pulled his arm away.

"Sorry." Ryouma apologized, while gently grabbing Satoru's arm. "I know I shouldn't act like this, but I'm scared and I tend to act like an idiot. You're the only one I have left in the world, I don't want to lose you." He explained, before grabbing Satoru's arm with his injured hand.

From the moment Ryoma lost Yuta, his personality changed quite a bit. He began to care less about those around him and even neglected his own safety. But then he remembered that Satoru still remained in his life, that because of him he could continue moving forward.

"You could also get infected if you touch the bite mark with your injured palm." Satoru tried to remove Ryouma's hand.

"I'm probably immune, I wanted my blood to fall into the wound, maybe I can help you somehow." Ryouma explained, before bandaging the wound.

Satoru was taken aback by what he heard, "Do you really think that will work?" He asked.

Ryouma looked down, not knowing what to answer. He only went with what he thought would work. There was a fifty percent chance that the blood would work and stop the spread of the virus, or do nothing at all. There is nothing wrong with trying, it will be better to do everything possible to prevent Satoru from turning into a zombie.

Satoru noticed the expression on Ryouma's face, he knew the man wasn't sure either, yet he couldn't help but feel happy.

He extended his uninjured arm to take Ryouma's hand. "It doesn't matter if it works or not, I'm glad you're trying to help me." He grinned.

Ryouma felt his cheeks burning, he turned his head, trying to hide it.

Satoru laughed, "It's really weird seeing you blush, you usually try to act calm and everything." He teased.

"Shut up!" Ryouma replied, feeling embarrassed. "You confessed to me a few minutes ago, so I ended up becoming conscious about it." He added.

Satoru smiled, "Sorry." He apologized, although he didn't seem sorry at all.

"Don't you want to know how I feel about you?" Ryouma asked.

"I have a vague idea, however, I want to hear your answer when we survive this apocalypse." Satoru replied.

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