Chapter 2: Sweet Kenji~

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- Has Hana smiled, she walks through the entrance of the her first day if High School. She and her friend, Tomoko and Yuki stand and look around. They haven't seen how the place would look and how big it was.. Thing were different from their middle school years.

For Hana she scan and analyze the whole school, seeing where all the classes and teacher they will have and all the new students she never meet and some of them are familiar cause she seen them in middle school before -

Hana: Woah. This place is really big. Different from our middle school years..?

Yuki: Yeah... Um, Definitely?

Tomoko: Am guessing... You guys are just as nervous like me huh..? *she says as she adjust her glasses a little*

Yuki: Yep.. I can feel the butterflies in mmy stomach.. What about you Hana?

Hana: Huh...? Oh, uh... I can't really tell..? *she says as she can't really tell if she was, as he emotion systems still needs to be fixed*

Yuki: Well. We should find all of our classes before it too late. *she says as he has the paper and the map if the school* Mmmmmm? Uh.... This could be a problem..?

Kenji: Hehehe. You girls need help?

- A familiar voice came up to Hana as her pipes got all warm and her eyes flicked and shiny as she slowly smiled and her face was blushing red as she turned around seeing Kenji Osamu...

Oh, Kenji Osamu... What wasn't about him that she didn't love, Hana thought her mind. Or at least memory data. She may be a robot but she always felt a love connection from him; since childhood hood she still had feelings for him then.. She even remember the first day she meet him.. She was a small prototype robot learning things in her first elementary class.. Of course, she felt out of place from this experience.

Then Kenji came up to her and was nice to the new girl. He help her fit in and learn as good as the others students, from then on, they been her friend that very day.. Now he is one of the top smartest, popular, kind-hearted person ever. Hana will always keep that memory forever and she knew. For sure, had her robot eyes on him only.. How she wish she can tell him how she feels for him..-

Kenji: Hehehe, nice to see you guys again.. And Yuki you got one hell of a grown speak. Your nearly my height.

Yuki: Well.. What can I say..? It happens.

Kenji: And Tomoko you have glasses now. They look great on you.

Tomoko: T-thanks.. I was debating if was I gonna wear them. But... I think they are good.

Kenji: Hehe. Well its something.. And Hana. You haven't changes a bit. Which is completely fine. You have you cute pink bow on huh.. Fits perfectly on you. *he gives her a compliment as smiles at her*

Hana: Mmmmmmmm~!!! *she blushes red as he feels her emotion bras going crazy and her steam getting hot being around him. Especially him complimenting her, she tries to calm down and keep her cool* O-oh.. Thank you Kenji~! Hehehe! You know me... I uh.. Hehehe! What..? 

Kenji: Hehe. And as always ypur personality never... Changes? *he says having confused look on him*

Hana: *Nods as she feels like her pipes will blow* Um.. I have to use the restrooms.. Be right back in ten minutes..? *she leaves quick to the girls bathroom*

Yuki: Take her ten minutes?

Tomoko: I guess?

- Hana scan the whole girls restroom. Seeing two girl in the stall as she uses this time to use the mirror to see and fix her pipes. She can see how red her face had become. Almost like tomato or a the most reddest of roses. She undos his coat and lifts up her suit to expose a exoskeleton belly there was a map out of her body on how she moves and shape out her body and beast. In the middle of her belly. There was a small water jelly jar, inside of it. Say three little life source to her emotions. Two were moving and one in the middle just sat there and not making any face. Hana did notice it. -

Hana: Hmmmm? What's wrong little guy

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Hana: Hmmmm? What's wrong little guy.. Why nothing..? *she asks the little thing as it didn't move one bit and only blinked* Hmmmm? Maybe mother could figure this out...? She is working on something.

- Hana loosen her pipes as her face felt cooler and her body release small breath of air to cool her out inside and outside. She smile again and quickly gets down her shirt and put on back her uniform and leaves the girls restroom. As she got out the school bell rang and she went back to her friend to go to their first class. Kenji had left already to his own class meeting up with his friends -

Hana: B-bye... Kenji~!! *she says seeing him leaving and was blushing all over again.

Kenji: *he smiles and waves bye to her*

Hana: Hehehehe~? Ow! *she trips over her own foot fall on the ground as Kenji laughs and rolls his eyes*

Kenji: Hehe, you are so silly Hana. See you guys later.

- Hana was a bit embarrassed as they help her up and get going already. Yuki and Tomoko followed her to their classes as Hana knew where they were at. The girls first class was History. They went inside. It almost was a surprise to them that the class was just as big like the hallways were, they notice that there were some familiar faces from middle school was in there class.. Hana had them in his memory card and had their data on what she remembers about them all. -

Hana: I remember those two females over there and... And him too.

- Among the students, being the identical twins sisters; Mei and Rin. Being know for being kind and shy around others. Just all around being care and love to everyone they want to meet. Best people to be around with.
And the most out there and noticable, Most richest boy in school; Sora Fujita. For his most beautiful feminine looks, smarts, and his huge rich gang of friend. Tomoko, Yuki, and Hana sat in the back, so they can stay together. -

Yuki: Hopefully our first day will be good~!

Tomoko: Same. I have been ready up myself for this moment.. Still kinda shy though.. What about you Hana..?

Hana: Well. Not sure.. But I believe we will do just fine here.

- All the student got into the class as they sensei walks into there class. It was a tall man. Hana quickly scan him; His name was Ryo Ito; hair was brownish red color and had bit of stubby on his face. Serious focus eyes and maybe around his late 20 or early 30.. She new from his data he was a serious sensei.

He explains his class and how it will go for the end of semester as he was tough on the first day. As Hana predicted. Things were gonna change for Hana and her life for sure now. Who know... What could happen now...... -

      (End of Chapter 2: Sweet Kenji~)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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