9 - plans

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Jisung was walking into the school and saw his friends by his locker.

„Hey, Ji! Y'all, he's alive! " Changbin said as he saw Jisung coming their way. All the guys started talking on top of each other as Jisung came closer.

„Everybody shut up real quick. " Jeongin said and to Jisung's surprise, everyone actually went silent.

„Thank you. Now... How'd it go? Are you okay? What happened? Why did he wanna talk to you? Tell me everything and don't be shy with the details! " Jeongin attacked.

„Wow, wow, wow, Wow, Wow-... Calm down a bit. It went fine. He's actually really nice and caring. He has 3 very adorable and nice cats, well, Doongi's a bit sassy,but gotta love him...and...We just had some food and watched movies. That was it. " Jisung answered, but Jeongin wasn't quite satisfied with the response.

„Okay, but what did you talk about? Why did he let you come? Why are you wearing his clothes? And... Did you sleep in the same bed? " Jeongin made sure to smirk at the last question and Jisung playfully hit him.

„Stop!... Yes, we did. But we didn't do anything we shouldn't - as minors, be doing. I wore his clothes because he wouldn't allow me to get to school with 'dirty clothes'. There. Can I get to my locker now? " Jisung explained and Jeongin rushed over to stand right in front of Jisung's locker.

„No. You didn't answer the most important question. Why did he agree? " Jeongin asked and Jisung felt like he was gonna tear up any moment, but he tried his best to not let that happen.

„I don't wanna talk about it... " Jisung said and he looked down at the floor.

„Ji, tell me!!! " Jeongin continued.

„Please don't make me. I really don't want to talk about it. All you need to know is that he didn't say anything bad... " Jisung's voice hinted how uncomfortable he was, so Jeongin stepped aside from the locker.

„Okay. I'm sorry. " Jeongin said and Jisung looked back up and gave Jeongin a smile while walking to unclock his locker.

„Thanks. It's okay. " Jisung said and then opened his locker starting to gather the stuff he needed for his lesson.

There was a short awkward silence until Chan broke it.

„Uhh, guys, wanna come over to my house today after school today? My parents aren't gonna be home until very late. Not a sleepover, but still, it'd be fun. " he suggested.

Everyone was saying stuff like 'yea, I'm free', until it got to Changbin.

„Aishh, I can't today. I'm busy... " Changbin said.

„Bin, you're never free on thursdays. Are you seeing some secret boyfriend? " Chan huffed.

„No, why would I keep a secret like that from you? I just gotta... Help my mom around the house today. " Changbin responded.

„Okay, okay, mister loyal son. " Chan teased and then after some laugh continued. „Oh, Jisung... If Changbin's not coming, maybe you can invite Minho. " He smirked.

„Oh shut up. " Jisung blushed.

„No, actually, I'm serious. Just ask him. I promise I won't tease you. " Chan said.

„Well... Okay, I'll text him later. " Jisung responded.

„Okay, cool. Then see you guys later I guess. " Chan said and all the boys said their goodbye's and left their own ways.

Jisung had his first 2 classes and he was now in his 3rd. He was bored. So he decided to sneak his phone under his desk and text Minho.

Truth Or Dare (Minsung angst)Where stories live. Discover now