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(Dominic's house^^^)


Vincenzo and his father never had a strained relationship, they talked about each other
But not in a father and son way more of a bestfriend way where they joke around

The only time they talked like father and son was when I asked about his mother or well his wife
They told me how the Koreans ambushed them at their home and killed her. They said she was sweet and loved everyone she always wanted a daughter so did Dominic–Vincenzo's father–but they never had the chance to have one instead they had two boys Vincenzo–being the oldest–and Vincent the youngest brother, who is very sweet yet childish.

I'm sure Vincent has kids somewhere out there when I first met him I was still in my prison uniform and so was Vincenzo, Vincent came home with two girls clinging to him like leeches but he didnt mind he loves attention and sex.

That night he asked if he called a stripper, which concerned me because why would you pay for a stripper dressed in a prison uniform.

Vincenzo on the other hand was not very happy about that comment he punched his brother and sent the two girls home after putting his brother to bed knowing he wont remember anything that happend since he was intoxicated.

It didnt bother me in the morning when he woke up he greated me and flirted with me then again got punched by his brother again

They have a weird relationship that I will never understand.

"You ready Amore" Vincenzos deep voice asks

"Do I look ready vin" I reply as I give him the side eye

"Well you're naked so I'd say you're ready" get married they said men are so romantic they said

"Okay well let me go put some heels on then I can look like a naked stripper walking across the street for everyone to see not to mention we are going to see your brother"

"Get dressed I'm not playing Gio I swear If I see a sliver of skin you better pray for your pussy tonight" he possessively grumbles

I lightly laugh shaking my head as I head to our closet to pick out a decent outfit

This is why I told him to get the fuck out of me so I can get ready He should know by now I take forever to get ready

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This is why I told him to get the fuck out of me so I can get ready
He should know by now I take forever to get ready.

I walk into the loving room where I'm met by my sexy ass husband

I walk into the loving room where I'm met by my sexy ass husband

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