The Show Begins

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“Sooo… Lavi, are you going to the talent show tonight?” A white headed boy with gray eyes asked a red headed boy with a single green eye, for the other was covered by an eye patch.

“Oh, you mean the one Karim is preforming in? Yeah, I’m totally going! How about you, Allen?” Lavi asked his best friend who smirked.

“Oh? No one told you? I’m going to play the piano for the song Karim made.” Allen informed the red head who blinked in surprise.

“What?! How come you never told me?!” Lavi pouted and Allen just laughed as they continued walking through the halls of the Black Order.

Unknown to Allen, Lavi actually had a crush on the singer, and best (lady) friend known as Karim. They have known each other only for about a year now, but even so the brown haired girl has wormed her way into his heart even though he’s not supposed to have one.

A bookman has no need for a heart…

Those were the words that his father has taught Lavi all his life and yet somehow not only one, but two people has found a place in the red headed Bookman’s heart. Allen and Karim. Before Lavi met these two he always had a fake smile on, he didn’t care about anyone or anything, for he is a Bookman. It was just the way everything was for him.

In fact for the longest time Lavi didn’t even realize that Allen had become so dear to him in till Allen almost died. He remembers meeting Karim that very day on the boat and the red head smiled at the memory.


Lavi and Lenalee had just got back after finding Timcampy and what was left of Allen, a single poker card that the boy carried with him everywhere. Lenalee was crying and Lavi for the first time felt something within him ache. It was his heart.

People die all the time… I know that… and yet why do I hurt so much…? DAMN IT!

A loud shattering of broken glass snapped Lavi back into reality along with a sharp pain in his hand. Lavi found himself surprised to see he punched the glass and broke it. Bookman scolded him and after apologizing a million times to Mahoja, Lavi walked up to the deck and stared at the poker card he found.

“You shouldn’t worry so much!” A cheerful voice sounded out and Lavi blinked in surprise and turned around to see a floating piece of Innocence. He stood there dumb folded and completely blanked out.

“W-What?” He finally sputtered out and he heard a girly giggle come from the Innocence.

“Allen is alive! His Innocence told me so!” It laughed and started to glow taking form of a teenage girl, a very pretty teenage girl.

“STRIKE!!!” Lavi yelled out despite the situation and the girl blushed.

“Um, well yeah… So does that mean you feel better now?” The girl asked and Lavi snapped back to his senses.

“Wait a second, are you a piece of Innocence?” Lavi asked the girl who nodded shyly.

“Uh huh, but you knew that already. Jeez, I thought you would of have realized it by now, but where’s that hammer of yours?” The girl spoke suddenly confident sounding and Lavi reached for his hammer to find it missing.     

“What did you do to it?!” Lavi growled and readied his fists and the girl looked hurt.

“That it is me, Baka!” She yelled at the red head, but before Lavi could say anymore the girl transformed into his hammer and few right at him only to smack him hard on the head before going to its rightful place on Lavi’s thigh.

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