26. | C R O W D |

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Niall puffed out a breath of frustration, the room was stifling even with the air-con turned up to the coldest setting, he was exhausted but sleep had yet to find him, he turned his head eyes falling on the peaceful faces of his daughter and wife, sleeping even through the heat.

Lily had wandered in about two hours ago after the summer storm had woke her up with a fright, she was all rumpled pyjamas and pouting lips as she tugged at his hand "da, a storm" she had whispered, he'd hooked his arm around her middle and hoisted her into the kingsize bed.

He was always amazed at how his wife could sleep through anything, this stifling heat being one of them, Lily shifted beside him, her foot connecting with his rib, he sighed out scrubbing his hand down his face, he carefully moved her leg, causing her to wriggle even closer to her side, her cuddly dog in his face as she flung her arm in his direction.

Niall really wasn't sure if he would survive the night like this, his daughter sprawled out using him as some kind of mattress, and now his wife was in on the action leg hooked with his causing his body heat to rise another couple of degrees.

They had a kingsize bed but right at that moment in the humid August heat of their bedroom it felt like the smallest single bed in the world.

He felt the shift of Lily beside him "da, I need a wee" she grumbled climbing over his body.

Niall got the smallest relief as her body left his, feeling the air con actually hit at his skin, as soon as he got the relief, his wife rolled over arm around his middle, legs tangled in with his, her warm breath fanning across his clammy chest.

Three really was a crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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