chapter 1.

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*november 3th 2017*

Louis POV

once i woke up because of my alarm im gonna change my clothes today im free from school so i only need to go to soccer practice.
but first i need to pick up Liam and Zayn so we can go to practice together,

i walk to my car and put the radio on, "Here is Harry Styles with his new song Carolina¨ is what the radio guy said.
then the song starts playing,my sisters are crazy about Harry Styles but i dont know why tho,then i listen to his new song.
Its not a bad song tbh

10 minutes later im at Zayn house, he walks to my door and gets in the car ¨hi mate are you ready for practice¨ i ask Zayn
¨hi, im ready. are you?¨ he asks and i nod.

then we picked up Niall and went to practice, i bring back the boys and head to my moms house, I walk to the door and knock on the door, 1 minute later my oldest sister Lottie (charlotte) opens the door, ¨BIG BRO¨ she yells and gives me big hug, not long after that the whole family is standing behind her, they all give me a hug (daisy,phoebe,ernest,doris,felicity and my mom) when were all done with the hugs we walk inside.

¨so i just wanna know something¨ Phoebe looks at me and i nod ¨ do you like someone att the moment and if u dont i think you and Harry Styles will make a GREAT couple¨ she tells, i laugh and answer ¨no i dont but please dont even tho i heard his new song on the radio today, carolina right? i love it¨
¨WHAT YOU LIKE HIS MUSIC OMG COME WE NEED YOU TO LISTEN TO MORE SONGS COME¨ she yells, i laugh and walk behind her and her twin to their room

*2 hours later*

were finally done listining to harrys 2 albums, but i gotta tell ya i love his music.
my sister litterly told me EVERYTHING about him and his whole life, and they told me hes coming to London in a month but they cant go the concert because they dont have any money, but i think i know the perfect christmass present.

*3 weeks later*

Harry POV

im at my house in LA right now and i just came home after rehearsal for the tour that starts in a week, first we are going to London in 2 days and stay there for 2 weeks and then travel the world for the upcoming tour,

i hear my phone ringing, i grab my phone and answer it without looking at the caller ID.
¨harry speaking¨ i begin, ¨hi harry its John i jus wanted to say that we're going to London earlier then expected if thats not a problem with you¨ john ask.
¨oh no ofcourse not when are we leaving and why?¨ i answer
¨tomorrow if thats okay, and because they wanted you to rehearse much because its the first show of the tour¨ John says ¨okey thats okay, can you pick me up?¨ i ask ¨ofcourse harry im at ur house at 9 AM¨ ¨alright see you then byee¨ ¨bye harry¨ he hung up and i finish packing.

<3 so thats the first chapterrr i hope y'all like it already!! Its kinda boring but I promise it will be better i promise!! <3

A life changing day at the soccerfield..(larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now