Chapter 1

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When Micheal Langdon first arrived at the academy he greeted everyone with warm welcomes. Shaking every witches hand and complementing every flaw they thought of themselves.

When he got to you, he changed. He didn't greet you nor point out your insecurities. He just shook your hand and proceeded to the next witch in line.

As time went on Micheal became one of the most popular students  attending the academy. He was even more popular than Maddison Montgomery. Every girl gawked over him when he walked by or presented in class. Whenever he would talk to them or pat them lightly on the shoulder they would all melt. Except you.

Even though he was tall and gorgeous didn't mean that his personality was great. He was obnoxious and overly obsessed with himself. Whenever he would pass a mirror he would pat down his nicely done curls to see if anything was out of place. Or neatly pat down his suit every 5 seconds. He would talk about himself 24/7 whenever he got the chance and thought every single girl was in love with him.

You and Micheal always had problems with one a another.

"To manipulate the power of..." Zoe said, pointing to you to finish her sentence. "To manipulate the power of telekinesis you" "you must manipulate the wonder with your thoughts" Micheal blurted out finishing your sentence.

"Perfect Micheal" she said and went back to the board to teach the next wonder. He looked over at you laughing to himself. "Have you not been studying? If you haven't it looks like it".

"I have been I just...I just have troubles with telekinesis." You said biting back to his remark. He side eyed you and kept going on and on about how you got the question wrong.

"Will you shut up!" You finally yelled out. The whole class whiped their heads around to see you. Everyone was staring at you. This was his plan to embarrass you once more in class in front of everyone.

"Y/n is there something wrong?" Zoe said stopping what she was doing. Micheal laughed to himself. "She's making me very unfocused. She keeps talking to me."

"No I'm not I swear" you blurted out. He'd already gotten you in trouble several times over the past two weeks.

"Y/n this is the 3rd time this week that you have been disrupting this class. Please go sit outside."

You put everything in your bag and walked out. That's it. You'd had enough of Micheal.

As class ended and all the students walked out of class you waited for him. He walked out and you followed him outside.

"MICHEAL" you shouted at him. He turned to look at you, a smirk on his face. "What could it be now y/n?" Rolling his eyes and stepping closer to you.

"What is your problem with me?! I have done nothing to you." You said pushing at his hard chest.

"I think it's funny. That's all." He said laughing in your face. "I think your reaction is funny, it's that simple."

"You think me getting kicked out of class for something I haven't done is funny? You're sick Micheal." You said pushing at his chest once more and storming off.


Cordelias voice echoed through the white walls as she called everyone down to eat. Your low platforms clashed against the hardwood as you walked down the stairs.

Five girls surrounded the steps at the bottom and standing in the middle of it was of course Micheal. "Excuse me" you said pushing through the pile of people.

You locked eyes with him and he watched you walk past the girls not paying attention to any of them. As you walked through he broke the tension and looked down at your exposed thighs that were halfway covered with lace tights.

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