(This book is basically a rewrite of my first book 'Green Butterfly of Hope' with a some changes so that basically it.)
After finding out that Uraraka was cheating on him with one of his friends Izuku. Izuku was heartbroken because of her.
Izuku was walking to the train station since it kinda far when he was, but everytime he try to focus a blurry memory of a white hair little girl. "Gahhh who is she? Why this memory always comes back?" He question while holding his head. "Nevermind that I need to go." Izuku let go of his head and sprinting to save time.
After forty five minutes of sprinting he see human body part on the ground. He stop and examine it for a minute. "It been here last night so that means tgere a demon near by here, but the sun is out so there might be a place to that demon to stay somewhere." He check to see is there a abandon house. It was hard to find it.
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'This the place, this demon don't clean up does it." He kick some body part out of the way and went in. The entire house stink of rotten flesh. He ignored the smell and walk in to look for the demon. "This floor is clear. I need to check up stairs." He went of the stairs only the smell of rotting flesh got stronger.
"Got stronger it definitely here." He put his hand on his handle and took his sword out. He check each room to see bones. "WeLl wElL WeLl fReSh FleSh." Izuku immediately got into a stance as thr last room of the door open to reveal the demon.
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"YoU bE gOod, GeT HIm." Seventeen eye demon came out of him and attack Izuku. "Inferno Breathing Fifth Form: Abyssal Inferno!" He quickly dash forward the demon and move in a unpredictable pattern slice three of the demon head off. Izuku just off the wall to avoid claw slashing.
"YOu a QuIcK lIttLe fElLoW, NoW I WaNt tO eAt yOu MOre!" Three of the demon that Izuku cut off reattach it self by the eye demon control. 'He control them, that means I need to cut his head off.' Izuku calm his breathing.
'Total Concentration breathing.' He close his eyes and open them. "Inferno Breathing First Form: Inferno Slash." Izuku crouch a bit and dash to the demon in his high speed leaving purple flames behind. He beheaded each and all of the demon. "WhAt!! No StAy BaCk!!"
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