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Last night was different. Not different activity wise, but different... thought wise? Emiliza let me into her thoughts. If you've ever met a telepath before, they are very very known to never let others into their thoughts. To some, it's even considered law. I know laws should never be broken, but what Emiliza thought about last night was beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Chills down my spin.

Even though last night was amazing in ever way, shape, and form I can't stop myself but think Emiliza was distant. Not distant with me but distant with worry. Worried about something she hasn't shared with me. We have always shared our secrets with each other. Even during childhood I would always be the first person Emiliza would share her secrets with. Now that we're older, does she have secrets now? No. Not my Emiliza. Not my Emili.

Is she worried about her light still?

This very thought pushes me to opening my eyes. The morning sun welcomes me with its early morning glow. As always, I'm still naked from last nights affairs. As I turn around to face the very person I was thinking about moments ago, I gasp.

Emiliza's hair is fully blonde. As blonde as she used to be. Blonder then my dear friend Alice. Not a streak of dark gray to be seen. It complements her skin beautifully and I can only imagine how it will look with her green eyes. Even her red eyes would be a treat.

But her beauty didn't make me gasp. I gasp because her hair means only one thing; her darkness is gone.

I'm almost in tears by the fact that I know Ericiza could be here any second. He could walk in right now and we would be finished. He could kill the love of my life with one swipe of a hand. As much as I want to be a responsible Queen and worry about Underland, I have a higher priority now. And that priority is sleeping beside me.

I start rocking Emiliza awake and shouting at her to wake up. I should be waking her up more nicely. With kisses and cuddles like she always wakes me up, but her hair color is freaking me out!

Emiliza's eyes open widely right away and she jumps out of bed. She looks everywhere, expecting there to be danger. "What? Where? What's happened?"

I cover my mouth and continue to try an suck my tears back into my eyes. The more I look at her beautiful golden hair, my heart breaks. Emiliza stops looking around and faces me. She crawls back into bed and scoops me up in her arms, cradling my body into her chest. "What's wrong Mirana? Why are you so sad? Did something happened? Who do I need to kill?"

Her last question makes me giggle, but then it just breaks me down into full on tears. I manage to stutter out a whisper, "Your hair."

Emiliza looks up at one of her stray hair in front of her eyes. She then starts to comb her fingers into her hair to the front of her face. She sees and thinks the same as I do now. Emiliza's light is fully back and Ericiza is coming. He's coming for me, and with that coming to kill Emiliza. I thought Emiliza would be as frantic as me, but she just looks at her hair in amazement.

"Wow, Mirana. I guess you truly are my light."

I know she's trying to make light of the situation, but how can she be so calm?

"Emili, please!" I unwrap myself from her arms and sit in front of her. I have my legs pressed to my chest and my face in my knees. "This means Ericiza is coming. He could be here any minute for you."

I feel Emiliza's hand touch my shoulder. She rubs it fondly. I look up at her, and see a half smile on her face. "Mirana. My beautiful, Mirana. I told you I found out what to do, remember? I know how to solve this."

This reminds me of my morning worries. Emiliza never did tell me exactly how she was solving our problem. "How are you solving this Emili?"

Emiliza doesn't look surprised or worried about my question. She does take a moment to think about it, though. "Mirana... do you trust me?"

Underlands Madness Unlocked: Black & White [ Mirana of Marmoreal x Fem OC ] B2Where stories live. Discover now