Chapter Seventeen

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Errors Coming Through

Jin's POV
There I walk, holding and reaching to everything I can hold onto. With my oi wobbly legs I   walk through bahay the cmcR a lod742?8-08'var  z of my hall and look around.

There's noises already, it means everything came back to normal. Except my legs.

I thought the first night is the last. But as the mating days continues. And as I stay inside my room. He kept on coming back and back and I don't know but I can't even stop him. I can't even disobey what he said and I can't stop myself from doing everything he ordered me.

I tried myself to look as normal as possible. I don't want anyone seeing me like this. Seeing me having a hard time walking.

When I arrived at the middle of the hall where my chair is at I look around. There's noises but I can't see anyone.

Until I hear footsteps walking towards my direction. When I look at my side there I saw Hoseok. When our eyes met both our eyes widened and he immediately run towards me.

"Leader-nim! How are you!? Where have you been!? You were gone the whole three days!" He exclaimed as he help me walk towards my chair.

"Ah.. Seok I just.. did something." I said while slightly scratching my neck, trying to hide the mark.

"Hyung.. you.. you have a mark. You're mated!?" He ask and my eyes widened. I immediately shushed him and look around.

"Yes.." i shortly replied,

"But with who?" He ask worriedly and I can see how his eyes are sparkling, is he.. crying?

"With.." I took a deep breath, "With Red Moon's pack leader." I said,

"Hyung, you two.. you two can't mate. Hyung.. Hyung why? You two could create a life." He said and I nod.

"I know.. and I'm sorry, I.. I just don't know what happened, I just don't.. don't know what's happening. I have no control over my body. I can only obey him but never disobey. I can't say no or reject him." I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Hyung.. don't cry, I know.. I know things will go okay." He said while rubbing my back. We were covered by silent for few seconds when a rushing beta came.

"Hoseok- oh, leader-nim, you're here. We found omega Park in his room, in his designated room.. naked and.. mated." He said and our eyes widened. Me and Hoseok rush towards the hallway of where Jimin's room is and once we enter.. we saw him crying with the other female beta.

"Jimin?" I called and his eyes snap up.

"Hyung.. Hyung I don't know what happened. Hyung.. I'm mated, with a Red Moon Pack." He cried and I rush to his side.

"Hey... what do you.. what do you mean? How can you tell it's from Red Moon?" I asked while caressing his back.

"Hyung.. I have a mark.. and.. it's.. it's turning black. Look.." he said as he showed his mark. When I saw it my eyes widened.

It.. is indeed black and it looks like it's some kinds of veins spreading.

"Hyung.. Hyung i.. don't want to be.. pregnant." He cried and I immediately brought him to my arms.

"Hyung.. the Gods will punish me.. the Gods will hate me. Hyung.. how did this happened?" Jimin cried to my arms. I signaled the wolves to leave and they did.

Few minutes Jimin pull away from me.

"Hyung.. Hyung I don't know how many times we.. did it. But everything hurts, i can't stand up, I can't seat properly. Gladly the Betas already dressed me. But Hyung.. I'm mated with a wolf from the opposite pack. I.." he once again break down into tears and I can't help but to tear up as well.

"Hey.. Chim, I.. you're not the only one." I said and his eyes snap up.

"What.. do you mean?" He ask, I showed him my mark and his eyes widened.

"That's.. also from a red moon wolf?" He ask and I slowly nod.

"Hyung, it's.. its turning into black!" He ask and I bite my lower lip.

"Chim.. I-

"Why is it turning black!? Hyung.. does it mean we're gonna die!? Because.. we broke the rules of the Gods!? Hyung, the Gods probably know what we did already. They're gonna punish us! Another war will happen, Hyung! I can't do this." I cried and I brought him back to my arms.

"I'm.. I'm gonna talk to Namjoon about this, okay? He's.. he's my mate and I think he won't hurt me."

Taehyung's POV
I woke up and I immediately smell a different kind of scent. The room is dark and I can't see any light. But as I true to move.. I felt a body beside me.

"Hey.. who's this?" I bravely ask,

"Hey! Who are you?" I said as i  slightly slap the arm that I'm touching.

"Mhmm.." I hear the person moan.


"Sleep more Taehyungie." When I heard the voice, that's when I recognize who it is.

"Jungkook!? What are you doing here!? Why am I here!? Mating season.." I froze,

"Did we end up mating!? Hey! Get up and open the lights!" I said and I felt him move, leave the bed and open the lights. That's when I saw how messy his hair is, I look at my body and saw me on clothes. But the purple marks on my chest are visible.

"What happened!? What did you do to me!?" I creamed as I hug my body, he look at me with wide eyes.

"I.. I can explain." He said and tears started forming in my eyes.

He's still a Red Moon, and I.. no. I mated with him!?

"Tae.. it.. it was an accident. You.. you were under my spell, and.. and my wolf took over, and.. it's all my fault!" He said as tears started streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for doing it to you. I know.. I know you don't like is. I know you hate me. I know you hate our pack. I'm sorry for using a spell to you. I'm sorry for deleting some of your memory. I'm sorry for everything I've done." He said as he cry, his knees on the ground.

How.. can an alpha do these? He.. he's so different for an alpha.

"But don't worry, after.. after this, I'll leave you alone. I'll go back to our pack and never show myself to you again."

-to be continued-

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