(NEW×) Chapter One-Stupid Humans..

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Time:12:48 am
Place: mount Everest

Y/ns pov

'Why are humans so nosey!..'I though, a human walking close to my den. It walked through the cold ice snow with its bag slung over its shoulder. It had its fluffy winter coat snugly wrapped around it's small body.Luckily the fleshy didnt see me and kept on with there journey. 'Well that was close...at lest I'm not down there'
I thought as I look down the tall mountain.'that would be one heck of a ride if they found me around there.' I liked to stay hidden and not draw attention to my self because I dont want to be spotted. I've seen those black little birds fly around afuw times. Once one spotted me so I killed it befor it could retreat or call back to main base central. I've picked up afuw Human words on the way so I know afuw words from the English category I didnt know befor.

I looked right and left to make sure that none of those flying black birds where there to spot me. I wait until the humans are gone so I can go hunt. Which was a few hours, I learned they like to sleep at night. Well most of them.. some humans call it a 'night shift' when they don't sleep at night i hear. I dont know If that's true or not. it's best to go out at night than day though, less humans, less of a chance of being spoted. Simple.once they are gone. I step out of my den and into the snowy ground. The cold snow never really bothered me since Ive been here for most of my life, and I'm a snow dragon so I'm kinda ment for the snow. I looked around one more time again to make sure there wasn't anyone to spot me befor flaping my wings and taking off.

I glide in the clouds, feeling the wind in my face at night with the stars shining bright as diamonds. I've always found it calm and realaxing. That's until storms would start. I'm fine with thunderstorm but huracaines, no thanks. I did some barrel rolls and some loops until I spot a small island. I swoop down, landing my claws onto cool sand. I have always wondered why sand was cool on my claws, it's just so weird. I stretch my legs and wings befor diving down into the blue sea. I grab afuw whales with my teeth and ripping them apart before eating them up in one bite. I fly out of of the cold, but not freezing water and land on the sand once again.

Walking on the sand for an hour and hunting made me really tired. I walk over to a spot in the sand and plop my body onto the sand. I nuzzle my head between one of my wings as the other landed on my side. My tail curling around me, I yawn befor drifting off into a deep slumber.

Time:2:23 pm

I flutter my eyes open to see the blue sky filled with birds and white fluffy clouds. 'I should start hunting now' I though as I turn into my water form.
I step into the water befor diving into the deep blue ocean. It was as little warmer than last night, which made me smile since I dont feel warmth alot.I swim around the island until I spot a whale. I use my water form to camouflage as I swim
Swiftly, trying not to make a sound.



I grab the whale in the side as I bite down hard, It crys in pain as it slowly shuts its eyes. I swim back to the surface, poking my head out befor heading back to the island to eat. I should come to this island more often, the food hear is easy to catch' I thought.

Once I finally make it back to the island. I step onto the warm sand, the warm feeling comes back again as I smile in delight. I put my dinner down and start to munch away. Not giving a DAMN about life.

Time skip*

Time: 3:56 pm

I finished my food awhile ago and I'm back into my original form. Now I'm just laying on the beach. Staring into the blue sky. All the sudden I see a bigger metal bird? A big one. I haven't seen one this big befor. I glare at it as I growl at the black bird thing. It hovers down abit but still in the sky.'ugh, humans.'I though as I put my head down. 'Why are they so nosey'

Dr. Rick's pov.
"You seeing this right?!" One of the operators said as they where wide eyed like everone else. I was surprised. "Another kaiju, but how?" I said as I zoomed up the camera to get a good look. It seems to be made out of.."ice" mark said . "And look at it. It beautiful and gorgeous. But huge!" One of the dr.s said as they watched. "Follow it" I said as she started to fly away.

*le time skip~*

We were following the ice dragon that looked to be a- "it seems to be a female, and is heading to mount Everest." Dr. Raven said, wait another females?

To be continued...

Pls go in order from one and up on the chapters. They might be a bit mest up... I dont know why but I'm trying to fix it. So it goes up from 1 and up...PEACE



it's been a while...hasn't it y/n? (ghidorah x reader fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now