Chapter 7: The Crackheads

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A couple of gremlins try to eat each other. Also, some Kanda action! Watch Kanda suffer and finally come to terms with something! R.I.P Bozo

Kanda's POV (Ooooh~ Something new~)  (:

          Fuck. How long has it been now? A month? It's been at least 2 months since Allen Walker transferred to Black Order Academy. That kid has awoken feelings I haven't felt in a long time. Love. I fucking hate it. It makes me sick. He'll probably just try to hurt me too. I have to push him away. It's a must.

          That will be hard to do because his smile makes me melt inside. I don't know how long I'll last. This might be a loss for me in this game of feelings. I mustn't let that happen. I'll just get a grip and continue to push him away. It hurts though, but I'll manage. 

          The kid already hates me. That's good. I sigh as I look at the clock. I'm going to be late again. I get out of my room and out of the house. I decide to dwell on the past month while walking to school. 

          It started a week after I met Allen. My love started to blossom. I don't want it to, so I will make his life a living hell while near me. I don't know why it happened so fast or why it was him, but it just is. He does remind me of my ex. I forgot her name, but Alma, my half-brother, seems to still like her for some reason. She literally tried to kill me, in my sleep, with my own katana.

          Anyway, Allen is a problem. Usually, people like her always have something evil to them. I don't trust that Allen kid, but yet my mind chooses to love him. I sigh and see the cool winter smoke come from my mouth. I snuggle my face more into my red scarf and huff. I need to stop thinking about Allen Walker. He's a nuisance.

          Why did I decide to wear fingerless gloves again? My fingers feel like they're going to fall off. I sigh and look in front of me. The entrance to Black Order Academy. I hate this school.

          I go in and walk down the halls. I run into the moyashi, the one person I was hoping to avoid. Just great. It seems he has two adults following him now. I smirk. "Hey, Moyashi! I can't believe you need two adults to follow you to keep your childish ass in line!" I shout. The unknown adult turns and glares at me. He has to have one of the creepiest glares I have ever seen. It sends shivers down my spine.

          "Well, you're the one who started the fight, BaKanda!" The moyashi yells. "You're the one who drew in my notebook!" I shout. "You're the one who hit me!" Moyashi yells back. "You're the annoying one!" I argue back. Allen pouts. "I'm not annoying, BaKanda! You're a jerk!" Allen shouts and crosses his arms with his pout still evident. Cute... Wait, stop that thought right now! And I started to call the moyashi Allen in my mind. Fuck. 

          I smirk. "I'm betting both those adults are weak as fuck. Why don't we fight? I've been itching for fresh moyashi blood on my hands." I say. Allen glares and pulls back his sleeves. Damn, his gloves are that long? I didn't realize. Hell, we have PE together and I didn't realize.

          The unknown adult puts his hand on Allen's shoulder. Allen calms down and rolls his sleeves back down. "Hn, stupid BaKanda!" Allen pouts and turns around. The trio of idiots start walking to class. What a bunch of clowns...

Allen's POV:

          Stupid BaKanda! I hate him so much! "Is that the kid you're having problems with?" Nea asks. "Yeah! Stupid jerk won't leave me alone!" I pout even more. Mana chuckles. "You're so adorable," Mana says. I blush. "No, I am not! Nea, back me up!" I shout. "Mana's right," Nea says. I groan and the twins chuckle. 

          Homeroom. Now I have to deal with Cross? Give me a break. I open the door and walk in. "Hey, brat, now you need two adults? How pitiful." Cross says. "Says the one who tries to flirt with every female student and teacher in school." I retort. Cross glares at me. I scoff and go to my seat. "Hey brat, as punishment, I'm changing your elective class. You're now going to attend the exorcist training class." Cross says. 

          Oh great, do I have to do training in school now? Just my luck. "I'd much rather go to your shitty English classes than that!" I shout. Cross glares at me. "Now you're going to get after-school training." He says. I groan.

          The door to the room gets kicked open, again. This time Kanda broke one of the hinges. "Kanda, I swear to God I will beat the shit out of you if you don't stop kicking the damn door!" Cross shouts. "I can do whatever I want!" Kanda shouts and stomps his way to his seat. Damn, he must be spoiled. Who raised this hell spawn? Cross sighs. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit." He groans and reads his "book". 

          Hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" I hear Lavi ask. "I know it's you, Lavi," I reply. "I guess I'm just that rememberable," Lavi says slyly. "You certainly are," I say and remove his hands. "Sorry about him. Anyway, who's the new guy?" Lenalee asks. "My uncle," I reply. "I'm surprised you haven't been suspended yet," Lenalee says. I chuckle. "Well, that is due to my grades," I proudly say. 

          Nea looks at my friends and smiles at them. "Oh, why must Allen be cute and have the cutest family members." Lavi whines. Lenalee giggles. "I think your friends like me," Nea says. Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Mana giggles. "How have you guys been?" He asks. "Good!" Lenalee and Lavi reply in unison. "So, you little shits been taking care of my nephew?" Nea questions. 

          "Nea! Don't curse! We're in a classroom!" Mana scolds. "Calm down, Cross curses all the time," I say. Lavi and Lenalee chuckle. "Yuuuuuuuu~ Come and meet Allen's uncle!" Lavi says. "Don't fucking call me that!" Kanda shouts. I smirk. "Come on, Yu. Meet my uncle!" I persuade. Kanda stands up violently. He tries to hit me but Nea catches his fist. "Don't touch my nephew," Nea warns.

          They glare at each other. I'm happy to have Nea here. "Say, do ya'll wanna skip English class?" I ask. "No, Bookman will put my head on a stick," Lavi replies. I giggle. "We're going to have rabbit roast tonight." I joke. Lavi looks offended. "How dare you! I'll have you know I do not taste good!" Lavi shouts. I smirk devilishly. "Oh come on little rabbit. Let us eat you!" I say. Lavi screams and runs. I get up and chase him around the classroom chanting "Eat the rabbit!" over and over again.

Kanda's POV:

          I don't know what to say. I didn't expect Allen to chase Lavi around the classroom. "Hey, knock it off!" Mr. Marian shouts. Allen sticks his tongue out at Mr. Marian and continues to chase Lavi. Nea, Allen's uncle, laughs. "I didn't know he could be so mischievous! Tyki is going to enjoy this story." He says. Tyki?

          I see Allen catch Lavi and pick him up. Lavi tries to squirm his way out of his grip but fails. "Lena~ We're going to have rabbit stew!" Allen announces. Lavi squeaks. Lenalee laughs. Those two are annoying idiots. Well, not Allen... Stop it! No! He's the most annoying! God, he acts just like an elementary schooler. He hasn't grow up at all. Why do I like him?

Allen's POV:

          I put Lavi down. Lavi smirks. "Well, how about we have bean sprout soup?" Lavi offers. Uh oh... "Come here delicious bean sprout!" Lavi shouts. Now it's my turn to scream and run.

Kanda's POV:

 (BTW, this isn't going to be a fast romance. Kanda is going to stay crushing on Allen for a little bit. Making him suffer >:D )

          Now Lavi is chasing Allen around. When will this end? To be honest, Allen is sexy when he runs..... Fuck, stop! I sigh. You know what? I'm tired. I'll finally admit to myself that I like Allen. I'll still push him away though. He's so cute when he's scared. 

          Lavi ends up tackling Allen and they both start laughing. Lucky. I wish Allen would laugh with me... I sigh again. Fuck, this is going to kill me.

(Rewritten) You're Saying You Like Me?Where stories live. Discover now