Author's Note

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Hi! Before we get started, I just wanted to say a quick "Thank you" to all of the positive feedback I've gotten from my friends and the people in comment-sections who I've told my idea for this story to!! Without all of your encouraging messages, I might never have had the drive to get up off my lazy butt and write this story!

I want to also thank my best friend, M, for enduring my rants at 2 am after I came up with this story idea---and for listening to my other crazy ramblings! Thanks for getting me into BTS, the Land of Stories, and the world of Shadowhunters. Thanks for humoring me by trying my own crazy fandoms. And thanks for giving me all the support, love, laughs, and hugs that I will never deserve but always deeply appreciate!

And finally, I'd like to thank my cat, Toby, for chasing and trying to impale his tail at two in the morning while I was up doing homework. You may not know it, but you are the inspiration for this story, Sir Reginald Tobiason III. 


Also, I would like to ask those who have seen my comment/advertisement for this book on YouTube that you make sure that whatever comments you leave don't spoil the story for first-time-readers. 

I was very blunt with that summary to begin with and had not known how much secrecy or points of view I wanted to involve when I first commented that---at the time, it was just an unrealistic idea. So, for the sake of not spoiling anything for ftrs (first-time readers), please double-check your comments before posting them! :)


So thank you all, and happy reading!

So thank you all, and happy reading!

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