Part 1: The First Snowfall

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3rd person's P.O.V

"Yujin-ah! Wake up! Is it not that you wanna go to the park today?", Yujin's mom lightly touch the little shoulder of 5 years old girl. She didn't want to wake her daughter up too soon because it's Sunday today, but at the same time, see also don't want the little girl just waste a beautiful morning by sleeping. In another days of week, Yujin has to wake up early and she is taken to the kindergarten, so it's perfect for her when rolling herself in the blanket abed every Sunday morning.

"Good morning eomma!", the 5 years old girl blink blink after a good sleep.

"Do you really like going to the park this bad? Don't want to sleep anymore?", the mother has been surprised by her daughter attitude, Yujin always have a very difficult morning to wake up.

"Nae! I just want to go outside and play", Yujin sit up and innocently replies.

Her mom asks again: "Why? Is there something special in the park that you like?"

Yujin's cheek is suddenly getting red, the girl shake her head: "No!"

"Fine, do your routine and let's have breakfast with your dad!"

Yujin's P.O.V

I really want to meet her! Last week, dad take me to grandpa's house, I saw her when we pass over the park. She is cute! But I don't know her name, also her age. Is she older? Younger? Or has the same age with me. But first, I have to see her again. And the sad fact is I also don't have sureness that she will be there.

Let's brush the teeth and wash my face!

"Yujin-ah! Dad is waiting for you!", my mom's calling me, I have to go down now.

"Nae! I'm coming!", I hurriedly answer.

"Good morning appa!", I see dad already sit in the dinner table.

"Come here and have breakfast together!", dad calling me.

"Today is Sunday and will daddy take Yujinie to the park?", my mom asks.

"Haha! You want to go out today, don't you? No more sleep?", dad look at me.

"Nae! I have grown up now and I will wake up early in the morning!", I just said that because I don't want they to know my really reason.

"Haha! OK I will buy you ice cream because my daughter has grown up now", my dad just smile.


"OK! There will be two!"

Minju's P.O.V

I'm sitting here at the park like every Sunday. I'm just drawing. I usually go to the park in Sunday morning and draw something, my home is just right here beside the park, and drawing is my hobby, I like singing too. Focusing to the flower on the grass ground there, suddenly I heard someone is coming closer. I think that I'm ready to run and scream if there is a stranger adult, mom and dad tell me to do that every time I go here without them. They will not be happy if I talk to the stranger, they said I can be kidnapped, and I'm scare too. But first, I have to see who is that.

"Annyeong!", a little girl with the missing front teeth smile at me.

"Annyeong!", I reply although it's a stranger, but still fine if that's just a kid, like me. Further more, her missing front teeth making her stupid and cute, absolutely harmless.

"What's your name? How old are you? What are you doing here? Do you came here every Sunday? Wanna have some ice cream?", she hand me an ice cream in her right, the chocolate flavor, and her left hand holding another one, vanilla flavor.

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