The meet up

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One day me and sapnap was createing an youtube video he then made this thing about meeting up and i said no but then he said i know u are beautiful,i started getting butterflies and i took an deep breath and said..fine ill meet up with you-BUT NO PICTURES-fine said sapnap but then he said bye ill meet up with you now and then i said wait what- and then he left the game i got scared and started putting on some other clothes,and started walking to see if i can find him near but then i saw him..he then stared at me and said..DREAM..?! WOW you look awesome he ran up to me and hugged me..i started feeling embarrassed cause he hugged me without me telling him and then he looked at my face and said so how has it been liveing here..? Oh me..? Heh fine but i never got to come here before😳 and meet up with any of you guys exept george i then told him if he could let go and he said..NAH and then he picked ne up on his back and started running to my house SAPNAP put me down right now or ill-WONT BE FRIENDS WITH YOU ANYMORE-then sapnap said you dont have the guts to do that😌 and then he open my door and sat me on the couch. And then he hoped down beside me soOo what u wanna do play minecraft..?! Sure i said embarrassed as ever,he then gave me my green controller and said it looks just like you😂 haha very funny sapnap *i then budged his arm and told him to get the orange controller,it looks just like YOU sapnap then gasped NUH UH IT DOSENT yes it dose since you wanna say my controller looks like me C': wait before we play minecraft i said can..i tell u something i always wanted to say it but..i didn't think you'll feel the same..oh what is it..? Said sapnap-I LIKE YOU SAPNAP OK..? Oh- you do to..? What do u mean "to" said dream i like you to dream i always had but..i thought u loved george..what!!? Said dream judt because people make.fanfics of us dose not mean that i like him-Oh.. Said sapnap *then sapnap grabbed dream and pulled him closer* what are you doing sapnap..? Can i kiss you..? Said sapnap i-i sure said dream-*sapnap then kissed dream* dream didn't know what to.say but just to be surprised  they then sat back and started playing minecraft *and that was the end of the story of sapnap x dream*

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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