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I woke up to Tyler lying on my lap sleeping. He looked so peaceful. I didn't move cuz I didn't wanna wake him.

I reached for my phone and checked the time, it was 8:43 am. I had to wake up Tyler anyways for work.

I got up but Tyler didn't wake up. I showered brushed my teeth and did my skin care routine.

I went downstairs to wake up Tyler

"Tyler... Tyler wake up."

I said shaking him

He opened his eyes and squinted at me then smiled

"You smell good!"
He said chuckling

"Ha, get up you need to get your uniform at your house."

"Oh shit yeah. I'll go get it."

"Wait I'll drop you then just drive us to work."

"Oh right I didn't bring my car... ok"

I guess Brent wasn't here so I left with Tyler. He told me the directions to his house. His house was nice. He ran inside and a couple minutes later he came back outside and hopped in my car.

I drowned in his scent, I love the way he smelled. I started driving. We were talking while listening to hey girl by Cullen Omori.

"What's your dream in life? Like what do you want to do in your life?"

"Wow... I want to be model, you know like in fashion shows runways, that kind of stuff."

"I mean you definitely already look gorgeous."
(Corny I know)

I turned to look at him, he was looking at me already, I lightly smiled looking back at the road. I blushed a little.

We made it to work. Luka was already there.

"Hey guys! Do you like what I did?"
He said pointing to a pyramid made out of cups

"That's fucking cool!"

"Yeah, how long did it take you?"

"I dont know like an hour?"



I was on my break. I was eating a cheese danish when my boss came in the room.

Old lady boss
"Here's your paycheck."

"Oh thanks."
I said taking my last bit of my danish

Old lady boss
"Yeah. And tell the others that there's no work for the next two months because there's gonna be construction thingys."

"Oh um... okay"

She nodded her head and headed out. My break was almost over so I made my way outside. I was looking down on my phone when I bumped into Tyler.

I was about to hit the floor until he caught me from my hand and pulled me up.

"Shit, sorry my bad."

"No, it's okay I wasn't even looking."

We stared at each other until we got interrupted by Luka

"Um, you guys, can you help me!"

We looked at Luka covered in chocolate sauce

"Oh my god Luka! What happend?"

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