Where Am I?

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A/N: If Hailey Anderson is reading this, this is a Bryuko towards the end, so deal with it XD

A/N: For people who are reading, ignore that, and hope you enjoy, I do not own anything it belongs to Scott. 

Bray's pov

I sat at my desk taping my pencil on the edge, I stared at question 15. My friend gave me his personal test to see if I got his answers right. The question he was asking me Q15- What's 9 + 10? I growled in my throat, i didn't know if he was literal or not. I thought about that certain friend, a joker. I wrote down the answer that was most right "21"

I finished the personal test and handed it to Micheal, Micheal Bent. He was a friend i met in middle school, ever since then we been going to classes together and we have fun in this high school. He stared at it and narrowed is eyes and stared at me ".......what?" I asked quietly "you have got to be kidding me........you got them all right" he said laughing slightly, I chuckled along with him "so hows Austen?" Austen Allen, our other best friend "hes alright i mean.....hes cool" I said unsure. Someone walked into the room and Micheal taped my shoulder "hot chick heads up" I looked up just to see what he was interested in "isn't that yesterdays new student?" I asked "yeah" he said nodding "I think her name is.......u-uhhh.......AH! I remember, Ryuko, Ryuko Matoi" Micheal added. I stared at the girl "got to admit, she is pretty hot...." I mumbled. A yawn came from behind me, me and Micheal turned to look to see Hailey, our faces turned into a 'oh shit' moment and faced forward. "don't. turn. around" I spoke quietly. Micheal nodded and stared blankly at the bored. 

After school, me and MB (my nickname for him) headed towards the small playground. I sat on top of the slide as he sat in the swings "so...." "so...." I hoped down and smirked "see the new hentai lately" He chuckled and nodded "yeah it was ok"  I laughed and turned my attention to a message, it just so happened so did Micheal, last thing I remember is checking my phone, seeing a bright light on it and then.......blank........I blacked out.

I groaned as I woke up in a some what office, I searched the room. Alone. I got up to see a "Celebrating" poster on the left side of the room, there was two doors in the room, one on the left the other on the right. I sat in the chair that was in the middle of the office, then I heard a speaker come on the phone "Hello? Hello? U-Uhhh Welcome to-" the voice changed into a female voice "your probably wondering why you are here, we are here to test your skills, we know that you are super beings, thats why this place won't let you use your powers so don't even try. We shall see how you do when your not depending on your powers. Survive the month and then we shall set you free, we cannot tell you truthfully but all questions will be answered when you survive, good luck" The phone ended I growled in my throat as I wanted free "where the hell am I?" I asked myself, I saw a tablet on the desk and picked it up to see three robot animals, I read the instruction on the desk 'please watch Freddy, Chica and Bonnie while you take your shift' "SHIFT!? shift? what the hell? this isn't funny....im not working here....." 

Just then i looked behind me to see a giant like tube, I raised an eyebrow and looked up at it, screaming came from inside it. I jumped back and someone fell through it onto the floor. "Micheal?" "Bray?" we smiled at each other "do you have any clue where we are?" Micheal asked "no...." I replied. "but apparently we have to look after these things...." I showed him the three animals and his eyes widened "these things are creepy as fuck" I chuckled and scanned through the camera "....what do we do now" I spoke softly. "I hope we get out alive...." 

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