Chapter Six: The Battle of the Bands Debacle

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The next day, or should I say night, Matt and I were at the Battle of the Bands event. The only reason I was here was because of Brodie; he was lucky I loved him, or else I definitely wouldn't have bothered showing up. At the moment, a boy was on stage tuning his guitar.**

"He looks like an Asian John Lennon," Matt stated.

"You can't say that," I hit his shoulder.

"But he does," Matt insisted, and I tried not to laugh at him.

Soon enough, the kid on stage started singing, and he was pretty good. From the corner of my eye, I could see Abby thought the same.

"I'm so bored," I groaned as the kid finished and left.

"It's okay, it'll all be over soon," Matt patted my shoulder. "I think they're up next."

I kept lightly banging my head on his shoulder until he pushed me off. I furrowed my brows and pushed him back.

"Wow," he said sarcastically. We decided to go over to the girls since Hunter and Jordan were now there.

"Uh, good luck," I told Hunter as he started to leave, probably because 3SB was on next, like Matt said.

"Thanks," Hunter smiled and continued walking.

"Just so we're clear," Matt said seriously, "we're leaving straight after they're done, right?"

"Definitely," I replied without hesitation. "I think Brodie wants us to wait for him, though."

He nodded and looked at the stage where Brodie, Hunter, and Padma were now.

"So, I'm not normally the one who sings the songs," Hunter chuckled into the microphone. "I leave that up to the very talented Padma. But tonight, I'm making an exception."

"This is taking too long," I whined to Matt.

"Just think, after this, we can get burgers and ice cream," Matt reminded me.

"Strange combination, but I'm here for it," I nodded.

"Something happened to me recently, or rather... someone happened," Hunter continued.

"Ginny, something's happening," I heard Max say to Ginny.

"Oh no," I deadpanned. "He's going to sing a song for her, isn't he?"

"Please, no," Matt groaned.

"Ginny Miller... this song's for you," Hunter finished. I started lightly banging my head on Matt's shoulder again, and this time he patted my back.

"I'm sorry, I wasted a perfectly good evening for this? What is this crap?" I asked with furrowed brows once Hunter started to sing.

"Oh man," Matt cringed. "No disrespect to him, but does he actually think this is a good song?"

"I wish I couldn't breathe," I joked, referencing the song, and Matt snickered. "But in all honesty, if I had a boyfriend and he sang this to me, I would break up with him on the spot."

"They're not going to win, not with this bullshit song," Matt shook his head.

"Even 'Adderall Brains' would have been better, and that song was pretty shit too," I added, and Matt agreed.

"Why are people cheering for this crap?" Matt wondered.

For the entirety of the song, Matt and I ripped it to shreds. If Brodie wasn't in that band, I'm sure Matt and I would have left by now. Or better yet, we wouldn't have shown up at all. I loved Hunter; he was a good friend, but this song made me want to cry tears of pain.

"Oh, thank God," I sighed in relief when the song ended.

"Quick," Matt grabbed my hand, dragging me to the end of the stage so we could wait for Brodie. Once he got off the stage, we tried to usher him out of the building.

"We've got to wait so we can see who won," Brodie stopped us, and we both groaned loudly. The three of us walked back over to our friends, where Hunter was as well. I assumed Padma was with Marcus since I noticed him here earlier. Well, that was if he was still here.

After a few more people did their songs, a man came onto the stage to announce the winners. Matt and I literally wanted to die; we didn't think we would end up staying for the whole thing.

"What the fuck," Matt and I said in unison when 3SB won.

"Yeah!" Brodie cheered as he and Hunter did one of those 'bro hugs.'

"So... can we go now?" I asked.

Ten minutes later, Matt, Brodie, and I were in a fast food diner, eating burgers, fries, and ice cream like promised. We were seated in a booth, and Brodie was opposite Matt and me.**

"What did you guys think of the song?" Brodie asked, shoving a few fries into his mouth.

"It was... really nice?" I tried to compliment but found it difficult.

"Nice?" Brodie repeated with raised brows.

"She meant, um... good," Matt pursed his lips.

"You know, you guys are perfect for each other," Brodie cheekily smiled, looking between both of us.

"What?" I nearly choked on my drink.

"What does that mean?" Matt questioned, scrunching his face.

"It means what I just said," Brodie shrugged, eating more fries.

"You need help," Matt told Brodie.

"Why would we like each other? I don't get it..." I nervously laughed.

"All in good time, my friends," Brodie clasped his hands together. Matt and I exchanged a weird look before shrugging.

"You're so weird," I threw a fry at Brodie.

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