Ch 10

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"So..uh do you know where we're going?" Sinclair asked a Big Sister, who was pointing her syringe blade against his back. "No, okay."

Ever since the Big Sisters saved them, they decided to lead them somewhere. Zeta, walked up front with the Big Sisters leading him. Sinclair and Elise were less fortunate. They walked in the back, with Big Sisters behind them and syringes against their back. Sinclair huffed and looked up front at Zeta. He could see the Big Sisters taking glances at him, even the ones behind him and Elise.

"Mind explaining why they haven't killed us yet?" Sinclair asked Elise. Elise looked at Zeta and the sisters.

"Before the fall of Rapture, little sisters began to grow up and get older." She said. "We didn't know what to do with them. They stopped gathering and producing ADAM. So we gathered them up and put them in a huge room to study." A Big Sister walked up behind Zeta and rubbed his back. Zeta turned to the Big Sister, curious to why it rubbed his back. The sister retreated, bowing her head and resumed marching forward.

"We tried seeing how they interacted with a normal person to see if they were hostile. We used a inmate from Ryan's prison. He was ripped into pieces by their bare hands." Elise flinched from the memory. "One day however, Zeta was walking with Rose through the halls. Some how, they knew he was there. So.. I decided to test a theory."

(12 years ago.)

"Come on Zeta." Elise said, dragging Zeta by the hand. He groaned in protest. He couldn't believe this woman. Coming into his, Rose, and Eleanor's room when they were playing together, and demanding he comes with her.

"Why does big brother have to go?" Rose questioned, running up beside Elise. In her hands was a scuba diver toy, painted like Zeta.

"Yeah. He didn't do anything bad, right?" Eleanor asked, running up on the other side of Elise. In her hands was a doll that looked like Zeta, a bent piece of metal making a drill on it's right hand. "Did you Big Brother?" She asked, turning around and walking backwards.

Zeta groaned, unsure of what he did wrong.

"No, he did nothing wrong." Elise answered them. "I just need his help." She said. Zeta groaned as they approached a metal door with no handle. "We're going to be in the other room, okay Zeta." Zeta groaned and nodded. Elise walked away holding Rose and Eleanor's hands. Zeta stayed standing in the hallway facing the door.

"Big brother! I'm on the radio!" Came Eleanor's voice.

"Me too! We can be like the heros on the radios!" Rose said. Zeta hummed and groaned again.

"Alright Zeta, your camera is looking fuzzy." Elise said. Zeta banged his head against the door. "That's better. Alright, when I open the door, go inside. Don't be hostile, be friendly." Zeta groaned, wondering what crap she got him into.
"And, go!" The door opened and Zeta walked in as the door closed behind him.

It was a normal room. A TV on the wall, a couch on the left side. A lazyboy beside a coffee table and a nice green carpet. The only thing that stood out were the inhabitants of the room.
They wore a nice round scuba helmet and the porthole glowed yellow, and the only clothing they wore was a tight suit, stopping in the middle of their thighs and elbows. Their skin was pale like a little sisters. Another thing he noticed was those weird round things on their chest, making them female.

"Now before you-" Zeta turned around and banged his fist on the door and groaned, demanding to be released.
"Zeta, listen. We need to see how they interact with you." Zeta groaned again, hanging his head. He stayed there for a solid five minutes. He then turned around and groaned.

Zeta met porthole to porthole with the Females. They were everywhere, surrounding him. He heard something sniffing him. He looked to his right and saw one of the Females an inch or two from his hand. He backed up, making the Female back up as well. They made whistles and groans among themselves. Zeta turned around and saw a Female sniffing his rear end like a dog.

"Zeta calm down." He heard Elise tell him. Zeta stepped backwards, only to walk into a Female sneaking up behind him. He looked at the door, only to see it was blocked by the horde. He started to breath harder. The Females began to get angry, their portholes turning red and they hissed like cats. "Zeta, stay still. And take off your helmet." He started to groan. "Just do it. If you don't calm down, they'll attack." Zeta huffed as he stood his ground. He hesitantly took off his helmet, holding it with his right hand. They became silent as his face was shown to the Females.

The Females portholes flickered back to yellow. One gathered the courage to walk up to him. She sniffed his chest, up and down. She stopped and reached for his hair. She ran her fingers through his snow White hair. She stopped and proceeded to touch his face. She poked him and pulled on his cheeks, revealing his near dagger like teeth. She stopped and took a step backwards.

Her porthole turned pink, making Zeta confused. She than jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She made a small screech as Zeta stumbled backwards and dropped his helmet.
"Zeta, Zeta! What's going on?! The cameras broken! Quick, get the tranquilizers!" Elise yelled through the radio.


The doors to the room opened as Elise and 7 security guards ran in, carrying Tranquilizers.

"Zeta! Are you......alright?" She lowered her tranquilizer gun and the guards did so as well. She couldn't believe what she saw.

Zeta groaned. He was currently sitting on the couch. On his lap was the same female, happily rubbing her helmet against his cheek. On both sides of the couch, the other females were holding his arms close to they're bodies. Their portholes was pink as well. On the floor, more of the Females were holding onto his legs.

"Sorry for interrupting." Elise told him. Zeta looked at Elise and groaned, begging for help.

(Present time..)

"And that's how Zeta knows them." Elise finished her story. Ahead of them another Big Sister got out of line and grabbed Zeta's hand, putting it on her helmet and received a head rub.

"If that was 12 years ago, how come they don't look like adults?" Sinclair asked. "I mean, I get the kid was dead and brought back to life after ten years, but the Sisters?"

"Big Sisters and Zeta were mutated into what they are. They have or had ADAM slugs surgically put in them to produce ADAM. With the ADAM slug inside them their ageing slowed down." She said, glancing at Sinclair. "By all accounts, they are adults. But have the body and mind of a young adult."

"Okay. I get it now. But why do we have weapons against us?" He asked. He was then poked by the Sister behind him, who made a small bit of laughter.

"Because, they don't trust us. We're new to them. But don't worry, they won't kill us." She said calmly.

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

"Because Zeta won't like that." Elise answered.


"Where are we?" Sinclair asked. They entered a small camp of some sort.
Around them was tents and teepees. Barrels had fire coming out of them.
"It looks like a..........crap." He said, seeing the inhabitants.

In every tent and building was a Big Sister. Their portholes followed Zeta as he walked through the camp. The sisters watched and followed him, keeping a good distance behind him. They approached what looked like a church. They entered.

"They worship him?" Elise asked herself. On the walls were security pictures of Zeta and even childish drawings. "Are those...Rose and Eleanor's drawings of him?"



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