Don't say a word.

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"Hey, Inouka and I saw you yesterday, on the way home, are you and-"

Shibayama smashed his heel into Lev's foot.

"Yeah! You dating or something-"

Shibayama used the Yaku kick on Inouka as his knee smashed into the taller's side.

"Don't say another word about what you two saw, got it?" Shibayama glared at them both as they were on the floor.

"'kay" The two taller boys on the floor said, their voices strained with pain.

The rest of Nekoma watched as the smallest and youngest member took down the two most hyper and tallest members on the team, with ease. Nobody pressed for answers, yet.

The next day, before Shibayama arrived, the door to the locker room was locked and Yamamoto leaned on the door.

"What happened?" Yaku was glaring at the two boys sitting on the bench in the middle of the locker room.

"We can't-" Inouka protested but was cut off.

"Ok! I'll talk." Lev sighed, to be honest, he was much more scared of Yaku and Kuroo combined than Shibayama.

"Start from after practice two days ago," Teshiro said he needed the whole story.

Lev started.

"We were walking back to our houses and saw a stray cat go down an alley. I wanted to follow the cat and tugged Inouka to follow me"

"I didn't really want to but, our parents were fine with us being late. We started going down more alleyways until the cat ran back towards us."

"After the cat left, we peeked down the alleyway."

"We saw Shibayama and-

"Who we think in Kuguri from Nohebi"

"-Kuguri, talking in the alley way. We couldn't really see them since the lights weren't on yet. They were talking quietly, or so we thought."

"Well, the lights turn on and we see that, umm."

Lev and Inouka stop talking and twiddle their fingers. Inouka whispers, questioning if they should continue. The sound of a throat clearing eggs them on. Inouka started.

"We see that Shibayama's back is against the wall and Kuguri is holding him up from the ground. Shibayama and him and -y'know- making out."

"It's clear that it's not their first time kissing. We tried to get away unnoticed but Inouka's phone rang and Shibayama and Kuguri stopped to see where the noise came from."

"We just booked it back, not caring about the noise. Shibayama must've seen us when we turned a corner."

"He texted us a few hours later to tell us not to mention it or we would die. But it was late and he said he didn't get home till way after us, about when the rain got heavy."

"Ok, we'll ask Shibayama about this later." Kuroo stated.

After finishing up they headed down to the club room and saw no one there, except the coaches. As practice went on, Shibayama didn't show up.

Kuroo walked up to the coaches, seemingly concerned for his missing kouhai.

"Where's Shibayama?"

"He got sick from the rain yesterday, he won't join us. Any reason?"

"No, just checking."

When practice ended, someone was nominated to go check on Shibayama. Unfortunately, for him at least, Kenma and Fukunaga were nominated and chosen.

As they walked to Shibayama's house, they were silently debating what to do and say. They knocked on the door and were speedily answered by the one who they were not expecting to see, Kuguri.

"O-Oh, Is Shibayama here?" Kenma looked up shocked and Fukunaga stuttered with his question.

"Yes, come in." Kuguri opened the door and stood out of the way.

"Pardon the intrusion." Kenma and Fukunaga said unanimously.

"Don't worry, us four are the only ones here. Now, how may I help you?" Kuguri sat down at the table, sitting opposite them.

"Inouka and Lev told us that they saw you and Shibayama a few days ago. We just wanted to clear everything up." Fukunaga talked slowly. "Speaking of, where is he?"

Kuguri looked directly at their eyes.

"He's sleeping."

"How bad is he?"

"He's vomited a few times, has a high fever, sweating like he just finished a full day practice, sore throat, coughing, and clogged nose. So, the usual."

"That's good to hear." Kenma said in his monotone voice.

"But.." Kuguri continued.

"But we want to know about your relationship with Shibayama. Just the basics, like how you met, your relationship together, how long. You know, the usual." Fukunaga tilted his head, egging Kuguri on.

"We've been together for a year -little more- since the last year of junior high. We met over a gaming chat and liked to talk, we met and it just progressed from there. Umm, our parents know, my team knows, other than that nobody knows. The only reason that my team knows is because they saw us on a date once. Not like how Lev and Inouka found out."

"I'm happy for you guys. But, if you hurt him I will not hesitate to perform castration." Kenma glared at Kuguri.

"Of course." Kuguri bowed his head a little.

A ping went off in his phone.

"Shibayama needs me, I'm sure you can show yourself out. I mean no disrespect." Kuguri got up to the base of the staircase.

"Kuguri-san, take care of him." Fukunaga said as the two walked out the door.

Kuguri heard the door close as he entered Shibayama's room. The small boy had woken up and sweat through the shirt he was wearing.

Kuguri checked his temperature with the thermometer, with the reading being way too high.

Kuguri quickly ran into the bathroom and turned on the lukewarm water. He ran back to the room and stripped Shibayama of his clothes. Kuguri princess style carried Shibayama into the bathroom and set him into the tub. Kuguri left the bathroom and returned wearing a face mask and ibuprofen and water.

"Yuuki, I need you to take this."

"Nao-kun?-" he coughed "-I'm tired, don't wanna."

"I need you to eat first, okay? I'm gonna be right back."

Kuguri left and came back with soup and noodles. He left and washed Shibayama's clothes, getting new ones out that were similar to his last ones, consisting of a grey shirt and boxers.

Finally returning with food, Kuguri rolled up his sleeves and picked up Shibayama, bridal style and carried him to their bedroom. He set Shibayama on the bed and put on his clothes. He helped Shibayama eat food. Once that was done, he checked the smaller's temperature and brought a new glass of water.

"Go to sleep now, Yuuki."

"Mmm, night. Love you."

Kuguri laid down on the futon on the floor, next to the other's bed. If Shibayama ever needed him he would be there, always.

"I love you too, goodnight."

A/N: I found a beta! Thank you sister!

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