- late night talks.

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The vigorous knocking woke me up from the dead of sleep. "One way to wake someone up from their fucking sleep." I muttered to myself, walking to the front door to answer whoever the hell it was. I opened the door, only to see Carl, tears streaming down his face. "Carl? What the fuck happened to you?"

The last time I spoke to the boy was a couple weeks ago. Once he started to get into his thuggish acts, I started to distance myself from him. I loved him— and I would most definitely do anything for him, but you can't help everyone.

"You have to help me. I know I've been a dick and I'm sorry. I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered. "Come in, you're sleeping here for the night. I'll think of something to tell Fiona tomorrow." I replied, still not in a fully lucid state due to the abrupt awakening.

"You could use my bed, I'll take the couch for the night." I muttered, grabbing a blanket to prepare myself to crash on the couch for the night. "Could we maybe talk for a bit. I've missed you. I didn't really want to drag you into what I was getting into." He replied, sending a small but sweet smile. "I've missed you too Carl. But please. Can you get rid of the cornrows, it's not really a good look on you." I was able to receive a smirk from him. "Yeah. I wasn't really feeling it anyway."

I pounced onto the bed, inviting him to a seat between my legs. "How the hell do you take these out?" I questioned, looking at him in pure confusion. "Do I look like some kind of hairdresser? That's what Google is for." He replied, leaning his back on my chest. That's the Carl I knew.

I didn't interrogate him with questions. That's not something I would want. Carl and I are wired similarly, maybe it's why we clicked. "Nick. He killed someone." He muttered. "I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" I replied, struggling to remove the braids. "I will be. For a while I thought I wanted to get into this shit. But I just can't get that dead body out of my mind. I thought it would help me to see that type of stuff, that it would make me stronger. I don't want to see that."

No one really knows what to say in these types of situations. At least I don't.

I wrapped my arms around his body, pulling him close to me. He was never really a hug guy, but you wouldn't need a brain surgeon to tell you he needed one.

"I'm proud of you shithead. You've been through a lot, yet you're still the strongest fucking person I know." I whispered into his ear, still clutching onto him like there was no tomorrow. Comfortable silence filled the room. "Well. On a brighter note. I think I got the braids out." I reached over to my nightstand to grab my hand mirror. I showed him his reflection in the pink heart mirror that I've had since I was a little girl.

"I dig it." He said, checking himself out. His hair looked good. The end of his hair still had a little curl at the bottom, but it would go away within time.

I glanced at my clock, only to realize it was nearly 3 am. "It's late. I'm gonna head to bed. I'm supposed to help with Liam later today." "I'm tired as well, I haven't slept in so long." He replied lazily. His sleepy voice was cute, almost as cute as him.

It had been so late that I hadn't even realized I told him I would sleep on the couch. We both climbed into bed, more than ready to hit the pillow. The bed was small, it didn't give much space for either of us. "I totally forgot. I can sleep on the couch." "No. Stay." He pleaded, shifting closer to me. He rested his head on my chest, pulling himself closer to me. My hand navigated to his hair, lightly toying with it. It was a reflex from my past relationships, but he didn't seem to mind at all.

"Love you Y/N." He whispered, before drifting off to sleep. "I love you too." I replied, falling asleep not long after.

this was my first time writing an imagine! i know this isn't what happened in shameless, but it's fine to rewrite scenarios! leave requests if you please. i know this isn't the best, but i'm working on my writing:)!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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