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"Jasmine breakfast!"My mom yells up the stairs. I roll out of bed, grab a random shirt and a pair of jeans out of my dresser, and pull my long reddish brown hair back into a ponytail. "Coming Mom," I yell. Then I hurry down the stairs into the kitchen and plop down on a chair. What's for breakfast I'm starving, I say. "Jasmine you know my rule,"Mom says, stirring the oatmeal for my younger sister Jeri. "Yes, Mom I know your rule, If you can't wait for it make it. I'll go make myself a pancake." after a very expertly baked pancake, I grab my bag , scan my cubby for any extra homework, and rush out the door to practice. I am half way to the bus stop when I realize I'm missing something. But what is it? Just as I'm about to run back to the house Jeri runs out, "Jasmine Jasmine, you forgot your flute..and your PE uniform, "she giggles. "Right, I knew I was forgetting something." I sighed, the bus will be here any minute.

At practice, I got chosen to play a flute solo, and in LA, I was chosen to read my speech and after school at track practice, I was the first one to finish running my 5k. Today has been an awesome day I just felt it in my bones. When I arrived home I walked to my room I opened the door and found something very crazy. Everything in my room haf suddenly turn the hot pink and was covered in glitter. I never knew a gerbil could be pink or that a computer screen could be covered with glitter. Even Jeri couldn't do something like this. But then, who did?

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