Chapter 2

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Note: Mention of drugging of drinks and assault. Mention of trauma. Nothing descriptive or 'heavy' for either just mentioned. But I know even that can be triggering enough for folks, so I'm warning anyway. Also sexual themes. Talk of individual masturbation, as well as mutual masturbation.

Vaila yawned as the train moved along the tracks. They had decided to take it, as opposed to driving their car. It would have taken them six hours to get to Osaka from Tokyo, driving themselves. 

Man she was tired. But then, she thought as she glanced over to her incognito husband who was reading beside her, they hadn't exactly slept much last night. She also hadn't had time to take a nap today, as they'd needed to finish packing for Osaka. Ruki always looked so out of place in public. She really couldn't understand how he could do what he did and not be a people person. But then, she supposed, if she was known on sight everywhere she went, she would soon get fed up with people as well and do her best to avoid them and hide who she was. 

He was currently wearing a beanie pulled down low and dark glasses. People were trying their best not to look at him curiously but it was a little hard when someone was wearing sunglasses on a train. Especially when they were obviously not blind,  as they were reading a book that wasn't in braille. She shook her head and then dropped it onto Ruki's shoulder lightly and closed her eyes. She felt as he readjusted himself easily, so that she and he were both comfortable. He then slid his free arm behind her and wrapped it around her waist loosely. She knew people were probably looking at them with some minor disapproval but she didn't care and neither did he. She was tired and he was comfortable. And this was his way of making her feel safe to fall asleep while they traveled in public. Because it was letting her know that he wasn’t going anywhere and he would watch over her. 


Ruki hated traveling publicly. He really did. It gave him so much anxiety. He was recognizable and a lot of people knew who he was on sight. It bothered him to no end. He loved having his fans and he was blessed because of them. But when they would disregard his privacy and personal space when he was off stage, out of costume and just trying to live his damn life outside of work, it drove him mad. 

It was easy for people to forget that 'Ruki' was just his stage persona. Who he was when presenting as the frontman for The GazettE. They sometimes didn't stop to remember that he was an actual person with a private life or that Ruki wasn't his actual name at all. It was Takanori. So he hid himself and covered his face when he did anything outside now. 

One thing he was thankful for was masks. They served a double purpose for him. They kept his germs from everyone else, and everyone else's away from him. But they also helped conceal his identity. A mask with a pair of large sunglasses, hid all of his recognizable features from view. Plus a hat added extra coverage, if he felt like wearing one or it was cold. He did sometimes miss the days where he wasn't known and he could travel or shop freely without interruption, but he knew he wouldn't trade what he had now for his old life. 

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