Going back home💔

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Y: well it wasn't important to me! Ok. I just wanted you guys to have fun.

K: sky- we would've gotten you out of the situation sooner if you told us.

Y: I couldn't! And I can't! Everytime I talk about it my throat locks up and I can't talk. I start to breathe heavy and I start sweating and my palms start to get sweaty to

B: sky! It's ok that you didn't tell us. Just- try to next time.

Y: I don't think there will be a next time...I think...I think I need to go back to Canada...just so this isn't as bad..

Everyone's face drops..especially kios.

Jh: you can't leave- I mean you've been here for so long already and you still need to come to vidcon with us and still need to do interviews and podcasts-

Y: josh..I'll be back for holidays. Just I'm not in the right headspace...to be in California.

N: well whatever you think is best...we will support you..
Nick says looking up at everyone as he sits next you on the couch.

Y: I still need to look at plane tickets..

Jh: well get you then don't worry..just- go pack ok? I'll buy you plane tickets tonight.

You get up and go to your room as tears slowly fell down your face. You didn't want to go but it was the only thing that kept you safe. You sniffle as you enter your room and sit on your bed. Kio knocks on the door and walks in.

K: hey..

Y: hey..look I'm sorry. I just don't know how long I'll be able to stay here..it's only a matter of time before it gets worse and I become more and more paranoid by the second..

K: it's ok..you don't need to apologize. I know where your coming from and you said you'll be home for the holidays..I'll see you again. I promise.

You smile and you stare into his eyes for a couple seconds

Y: I need to pack..

You say breaking the silence and standing up walking over to your dresser.

K: yea..I'll go back downstairs..

He gets up and you finish packing. Josh is looking at plane tickets on his laptop.

Jh: I can't believe she wants to leave.

B: I mean can you blame her...I mean it happened just a couple days ago so she's still gonna be shakin up..

Jh: I know I know but- it was her dream to live here and it was all taken away in seconds..

Nick is over in the kitchen making dinner. Tacos. Kio comes downstairs devastated.

K: she's almost done packing..

Josh finds tickets and comes up to your room to find your dresser your closet and shoes all packed up.

Jh: wow..already?

Y: yea...

Jh: I found tickets. Tomorrow. Your flight leaves at 5pm.

Y: thanks...josh- I'm sorry..I know you wanted me to stay but it's just to much..

Jh: I know I know..you never should've gone what you've went through.

You start to feel tears coming down your face but you don't wipe them or anything you just..let them fall..

Y: josh- I can still feel him..

You say starting to choked up and you just fall into joshs arms and start crying.

Jh: sky...

He says quietly not knowing what to say.

Jh: how about you skip dinner..ok?

Y: but you always yell at me to eat..

Jh: yea but this- this time you have enough on your plate and I'm not gonna force food into you when your this stressed..your gonna eventually throw up cause of it.

You chuckle

Y: josh that's not how it works..

You say letting go of him.

Y: I just don't wanna be alone anymore..

Jh: I know. And I'm never gonna let anything else happen to you and I love by that. I can't help but knowing that, I could've stopped what was going on and I didn't.

Y: josh..it's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything..

Jh: yes I could've. If I knew what-

Y: josh. You couldn't have stopped it cause you didn't know. It's fine. You guys came in enough time that nothing serious actually happened.

Josh gets called saying that dinner is ready.

Jh: you wanna have tacos ?

Y: when do I not?

You smile and eat dinner with everyone downstairs.

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