Help? Prt. 2

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Dream started to laugh again, "You all took care of an egg" he wheezed. "ANSWER THE QUESTION, WILL YOU HELP" George yelled. Dream stopped laughing and turned to face him, "If it isnt GOGY, the little bitch" he smiled. "Hey" Sapnap said. "How pitiful" Nightmare hissed. "I will kill them all" Lucid sneered. "Well" Dream said, "why should I?" He asked. "Its your server" Tommy said. "WAS" Dream corrected him, "I ain't cleaning up your messes" he said. "Come on Dream will you please do it" Ghostbur plead. Dream thought for awhile, "sure" he said. "But everything comes with a price" he smirked.

"Guys can we talk in private" Ponk asked. They all walked to a corner. "Maybe we should consider a deal" Techno said. "I agree" Phil added. "But what?!" Tommy asked. "He also has to agree to the deal" Fundy pointed out

"Good thing they finally left" Dream muttered. "They are sooo annoying Dreamy" Good said. "You are luckily we arent in a cell alone" Dream sneered. "And Thank god for your mask" Zero added. "Yeah" Lucid smiled. "So what do you think they'll offer?" Nightmare asked. "Not shitty food" Dream mumbled. "Hopefully" They all said.

"Maybe we should consider" Niki said. "Consider what" Puffy asked. "Letting him out?" She said. "NO WAY. HE HURT EVERYONE, HE DESERVES TO DIE IN PRISON" she yelled. "HE HURT TOMMY TOO MUCH, HE IS A MONSTER WHO DESERVES TO DIE"

Dream looked over. "Of course I do" he said. "Dream we ARE sorry" Zero said. "I have heard that way too much" Dream said. "Just shut up," Dream sneered.

"Dont know if you know this BUT HE CAN HEAR YOU" Ranboo yelled. "He did all those stuff to Tommy" she argued. "Tommy, Tommy, Tommy WHEN WILL YOU STOP WORRYING ABOUT HIM, HE HAS HIS OWN DAD" Ranboo screamed, grabbing Dreams attention. "Its not my fault hes a bad parent" Puffy sneered. "Hey, at least he tried to help him, you threw Dream away in this prison, not helping YOUR son. You are something else, Tommy is PHIL'S concern and Dream was YOUR concern" Techno argued. "Mate, let it go" Phil said placing a hand on Techno's shoulder. "So what SHOULD we offer him" Ant asked.

"Not shitty food, AKA Potatos" Skeppy offered. "No, he'll never go for it, what about we shorten his sentence" George said. "Ah yes, instead of 1000 years he'll do 100, perfect thinking" Ranboo said sarcastically. "Hey" Sapnap said. "Ranboo does have a point" Punz said. "What about we let him out" Eret suggested. "NO WAY" Almost everyone yelled. "He will never accept another deal" Eret argued. "Besides it wasnt THAT bad" they laughed nervously. "Oh yeah, NOT THAT BAD" Tommy screamed. "Cmon the egg is too big of a problem" Punz said. "If you guys want to continue on living with the egg, be my guest" Ponk said. "I agree" Sam said nodding. "The egg is destroying the smp" Fundy said. 

"How long does it take to come up with a deal" Dream muttered. "For those no brainers. Probably years" Nightmare said. Dream laughed softly, "right". "Dream I just wanna say, that was so adorable" Lucid cooed. "You are so  fucking lucky we ain in a cell" Dream muttered. "We have made our decision" Tommy said dramatically. "Ok" Dream said. "If you are successful, we will let you stay outta prison, but we will check in on you a lot and make sure you dont get into prison" Sapnap said. "Ok" Dream said. "So do you accept" Eret asked. "Depends if you give me the supplies I need" Dream smield behind the mask. "What do you need" Tubbo asked. "A few friends of mine" He said. "You will have like 100 people with you" Puffy said. "But you guys are the people who COULDN'T defeat an egg" he teased. "Right, who are they and where are they" Techno asked. Dream smirked, "They are in the room as we speak". Everyone tensed up. "No they are not" Quakity said. "They just arent visibly to your eyes" Dream smiled. "So do we have a deal" Dream said placing his hands on his chin. They all thought for a minute. "Yes, we will also give you your stuff so you wont die" Ranboo added. Dream smiled, "Great".

To be continued

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