Your Beautiful

139 6 2

Olivia Benson
Type: Fluff
Word count: 913
Relationship: Mother x daughter
"Y/N, Noah time for dinner come on down." Olivia says. Noah comes down the stairs and washes his hands then sits at the table. When Olivia sees that her daughter has yet to sit down at the table thinking that she didn't hear her she calls her again "Y/N?"

But still no one comes down the stairs. That's when Noah knows he has to say something. "Mommy I know why Y/N isn't coming down. I herd her on the phone talking to Analysia. She said she was fat so that's why she keeps skipping breakfast at school and throwing her lunch in the trash." Noah said but Olivia knew her son to well to know that he is keeping something from her so she asks

"Noah what else has she been doing?" He looks at the floor then back up at his mom "When she tells you she has homework and if she can eat upstairs in her room she throws away her food."

"Ok Noah how long has it been since she has anything to eat?" Olivia asks trying to be calm in front of Noah but deep down inside she's panicking because she knows how bad this can get as she struggled the same thing. "Three days I think but it could be more." Noah says quickly while looking at the floor.

That's when it clicks in Olivia's mind why she hasn't came down yet she rushes up the stairs and opens Y/N's door to find her passed out on the floor. Olivia quickly rushes over to    Y/N to check for a pulse. She finds a light one so she quickly calls 911 and tells them the situation then calls Amanda to see if she can watch Noah.

"Rollins." Olivia heard the blonde detective say.
"Hey can you watch Noah for me please." Olivia says on the verge of breaking down.
"Ya is everything ok?" Amanda says.
"Uh... no no. Y/N she has been starving herself and passed out she is being taken to Mercy so can you meet me there to get Noah." Olivia says this time letting some tears fall down her face.

"Ya of course I will be there in 10." Amanda says then hangs up. Olivia is crying so much that she pulls over so she doesn't crash. "Mommy are you ok?" Olivia wipes her tears then turns around "I'm fine." She says putting on a fake smile. "Sweet boy aunt Amanda is going to pick you up so I help Y/N get better. Ok?"

"Yes mommy." Noah responded. Olivia starts the car again and starts driving as she is driving she can't help but think about her past and how she struggled with the exact same thing when she gets to the hospital she see's Amanda standing there with Jessie and Billie.

As they are getting out of the car Olivia hears her son speak. "Is Y/N going to be ok. You said I was going with aunt Amanda so that you can help Y/N get better. So is she sick?"
"I don't know if Y/N is going to be ok Noah but I do know she is sick and needs help so she can get better." Olivia responds.

They walk up to Amanda and the girls. "Thank you for taking Noah." Olivia says hugging the blonde. "It's not a problem Liv the girls are excited to have Noah over and am more then willing to watch him. You have a lot on your plate now go make sure Y/N is ok." She said taking Noah's bag.

"Also I called Fin and Dominick and told them what happened they are on the way."
"Thank you Amanda." Olivia says nodding at the detective who she has become friends with over the years and then walks into the ER. Olivia walks up to a nurse and says "My daughter was brought in here about 5 minutes ago I need to see her."

"What's her name?"
"Y/N Benson."
"Ok so it seems that she hasn't eaten in 5 days so she fainted I can show you to her room so her doctor can tell you more." Olivia follows the nurse up to her daughter's room and walk in then the nurse left. "Who are you?" a brunette female asked. "I'm her mother Olivia Benson and you are?"

"I'm Dr.Shepherd." She extend a hand for Olivia to shake.
"You are her doctor?" Olivia asks shaking her hand. "I'm not her primary I am a neurosurgeon but her main doctor should be coming in soon." Dr.Shepherd says. "Wait does she need surgery?"

"Not right now but she fell really hard so I was called in for a consolation." After she said that someone walked in. "Olivia?" Someone says. Olivia then looks up and see's a familiar face "Arizona."
"Wait you two know each other?" Dr.Shepherd asked.

"Ya Olivia works for the NYPD's SVU so I have been the doctor on a few cases. Anyways nothing is wrong with Y/N so as soon as she wakes up she just needs to eat and stay here for a day or two then you can take her home." Arizona says then her and Dr.Shepherd walk out of the room after Olivia says thank you.

Let me know if you want me to continue making one shots suggestions are open😁

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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