chapter 8

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Spencer woke up groggy, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She rolled over and bumped into someone, getting startled.

Just Camille, she realized, remembering that her friend stayed the night since they talked so late and she didn't feel like going to her own apartment. Spencer quietly rolled the other way and slid out of bed, grabbing her phone and walking into the bathroom to wash up. When she was done she padded into the kitchen, careful not to wake Camille since it was still early. As she put on a pot of coffee and went to sit down, Spencer's phone rang. It was her mom! Spencer hadn't spoken on the phone to either of her parent's in a week or so, everything has been so busy.

She smiled and picked up the phone. "Mom!" she whispered.

"Hey, stranger!" her mom laughed. "Why are you so quiet?"

"Camille stayed over and she's still asleep. It's–" Spencer yawned, realizing how early it was. "It's only 7."

Her mom hummed in response. "So, how have you been? When does this show start so we can watch?"

"Mom, it literally hasn't even started filming yet. I'll keep you updated on the whole process and you'll be the first to know everything, I promise."

"Ugh, fine," she laughed. The pot filled and Spencer grabbed two mugs, filling both. "Oh while I have you here, I wanted to let you know I talked to a family friend of your dad's and he set up a little lunch for you and him."

"I thought we didn't know anyone in L.A?" Spencer asked. Camille trudged out, slipping on her shoes. Spencer held up a mug and Camille took it, hugging Spencer on her way out.

"Talk to you later, Spence," Camille waved, closing the door.

Spencer remembered her mother on the phone. "Sorry, Mom, I missed all that. Start over."

"Keep your head screwed on this time, okay? Your dad's friend, Gustavo. You met him a long time ago, when you were just a little girl. Oh those were the days. And now my girl's all grown up–"
Spencer rolled her eyes. "Mom! You keep your head screwed on, now. Stay on topic: who is this Gustavo and what is happening?"

"He's a producer out in California now. He and your dad go back a long time and he reached out to see how we're doing and your dad told him about you moving to L.A so he offered to show you around his studio. Your father says that's his way of being nice. His assistant–yes his assistant, isn't that crazy– anyway, his assistant will have a car pick you up from the Palm Woods and you'll go to his studio for lunch or something. That sound good, honey?"

Spencer sighed. Not much of a choice was it, she thought. She remembered hearing the name Gustavo a few weeks ago, but couldn't put her finger on when. Name vaguely rings a bell, but she'll meet him later and see. "Yea, okay. I'm gonna go and make breakfast but I'll talk to you later?"

"'Kay! Love you, Spence."

She smiled. "Love you, too. Bye." Spencer hung up and connected her phone to the charger. As she curled up on the couch, pulling out her tablet to start working on the prep work Alex sent over for the show, Spencer's mind drifted off. Sure she was reading the emails about her role and when the table read would begin and when she would need to go to the studio, but a part of Spencer's brain was thinking about the past week.

After the party, Kendall had walked her back to her apartment and they said goodbye. She hadn't even had time to think about the night, her head had hit the pillow just minutes after closing the door. That was a week ago. Since then, Spencer hadn't really stopped to think about it. She had been busy going out with Jo and Camille, and even the guys. They all went to grab dinner a few nights ago. That was the only time she had seen Kendall since the party, and they didn't even get a chance to talk one on one; Spencer was squished between Camille and Carlos at the restaurant.

Now that she was alone and had some time to think, did she even want a boyfriend? Was that a real date, she wondered? Or just friends going to a party... No, Spencer shook her head. She needed to focus on her job. After all, it is literally her job now, this show. Her head cleared and she turned her focus back to her tablet, taking a scalding gulp of coffee. Spencer's eyes scanned the screen, making a mental list of the things she had to do. She was just about to open a file when a notification caught her eye.

A new email came in from someone named Kelly Wainwright. Spencer frowned, not recognizing the name, and opened the email. Kelly... Gustavo... Gustavo! That's her dad's friend, she realized. Kelly must be the assistant her mom mentioned. She wanted to know if Spencer was free this afternoon for a tour of the studio and lunch and to let her know as soon as she could. After a quick email back and a reply from Kelly that she would text Spencer when the car arrived, Spencer had had enough of work emails for the morning.

She went through her morning routine, and pulled on a simple outfit. It was a jeans day, Spencer decided. She rifled through her trousers and found her favorite pair: light washed and hand embroidered with black and white abstract faces. She paired it with a white shirt that she tied up and slipped on her worn in black doc martens. She untangled the necklaces that got messed up when she slept and ruffled her hair. Second day curls would work, she thought, nodding at her reflection. After that, there wasn't much to do until Kelly came for her. It would be a waste to sit by the pool and risk getting wet and having to change and going out would mean she might not be here when Kelly arrived. Spencer settled for a morning inside, laying on the floor and writing out all the important dates for her show in a planner.

Several hours and a read through of the pilot episode later, Spencer's phone buzzed. It was Kelly, letting her know that she was waiting downstairs in the lobby. She shot her a quick text that she was on her way down, and got up off the floor. In the elevator, Spencer started worrying at her lip. What if he's terrible, she wondered. What if he's actually awesome and she doesn't know what to say? God, why did Spencer agree to this. She bit a little too hard and tasted copper. Crap, she thought, quickly applying some chapstick. The elevator dinged open in the lobby and she drew a deep breath. It's fine, she assured herself. If her parents were friends with this guy, it would be fine. She walked through the lobby, eyes passing over the room until finally she saw a young woman by the door. That must be Kelly, she thought. She was pretty, and younger than Spencer would have thought. She was wearing business casual; a bright pink shirt and pants in a rich shade of blue. It complimented her dark skin really well.

Spencer approached the woman, who smiled. "You must be Spencer."

"Uh huh. Kelly, right?" Spencer asked, still anxious.

"Yep!" Kelly was chill and relaxed, a good sign. "The car's out front. You ready?"

Spencer nodded and they walked out the doors. In the car, Kelly asked the usual questions: What was Spencer doing in L.A, how was she enjoying the Palm Woods, etc. What surprised her was Kelly's follow up.

"Okay, Spencer, real talk. Gustavo is... a lot. So be prepared. But he means well. Oh, and he yells. A lot."

Spencer nodded, a bit thrown off. "Okay, cool. Anything else I should know?"

"I don't think so. Now that I've taken care of that," Kelly set her binder aside and leaned back into the seat. "Tell me about that role you got!"

They spent the rest of the ride chatting and found out they had a bit in common. Kelly grew up near New York, just a few towns over from where Spencer lived. They both like reading, though Kelly hardly has the time nowadays. Spencer also learned a bit about what Kelly does for Gustavo. She's incredibly dedicated. Kelly also gave her some advice about the industry and some tips for dealing with the press, when it gets to that part of her career. By the time the car pulled up in front of the studio, Spencer was laughing, her worry from earlier all but gone. The two got out of the car and Spencer looked up at the tall downtown building. The sign out front said Roque Records. This guy must be doing well, Spencer thought, to have this space.

"You ready to meet Gustavo?" Kelly asked, smirking.

Spencer lifted her arms and let them drop at her sides, walking to the front doors. Here goes nothing. "Let's do it."

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