Dear diary 6 - 12 final part

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Final part before the story actually starts.

'Dear diary,

    Dear diary I entered the Academy this girl named Sakura she's pretty to me I don't think its love considering I don't know what that's like everyone assumes I love her, but her eyes are on Sasuke, doesn't really matter to me.
I wonder what's so cool about him, and everytime I say something about him his mean fan girls hit me. This Hinata girl keeps staring at me though I don't know about her but I like weird girls like her there more interesting.
I wish someone liked me.

-naruto 6yrs old'

'Dear diary,

     Today this kid named Shikamaru came up to me and asked to play best part was his dad didn't tell him to get away from him to took me to there house and they fixed me some food!! They even said I could come over when I didn't have enough money to pay for food because Jijk gives bad allowances.


'Dear diary,

      Hi diary today was the worst day every. Today my 'friend' at the academy said he'd kill me why would someone say such a thing to bad Shikamaru's the only nice one his friend Choji avoids me still.

-Naruto December 15' 7 yrs old

Dear diary,

My Sensei Iruka has started being nice to me he was acting strange the other night though (The time he tried to kill Naruto) but he ended up lecturing me so I didn't think much about it.
I wish I was smarter so I could at least try to figure out why Iruka sensei was acting wierd.

-Naruto 8

Dear diary,

Today I asked Jiji who my parents were and he just gave me a lousy allowance and ignored me.
I really wish he wouldn't do that its really stupid


Dear diary,

Today this voice in my head spoke to me it was wierd do you think I'm going insane because I'm confused.
I wish whatever spoke to me told me there name tho

-Naruto 8

Dear diary,

I diary I'm currently hiding from a villager I don't know what they want from me but I'm scared, I wish Jiji was here to help me the villager is just rummaging through everything and breaking stuff.

-naruto 8

Dear diary,

Today's my birthday Jiji hasn't spoke to me in awhile but the voice in my head (Kuruma) she has been speaking to me also, I told Shikamaru about her but he doesn't believe me he thinks she's a lousy childhood friend which she protested and got mad about.
I wish and hope Shikamaru believed in Kurama.

-Naruto 9

Dear diary,

I failed the stupid exam again I think I might give up being a ninja, Kurama said its because I have to much chakra so I just can't perform the shadow clone jutsu and that I have to learn another
I kinda wish I was normal.

-naruto 9

Dear diary,

Sorry I haven't written in you for awhile I've been dealing with my psychiatrist she's really nice and she understands me like no one else she has to go away for a long time and I've been crying about it all day long I just said goodbye to her.
I wish I could come with her.

-naruto 10

Dear diary,

Today Jiji sent me my allowance for food it wasn't much but Kurama told me to stay optimistic.
I wish Jiji gave me food instead of having me buy it.

-naruto 10

Dear diary,

I almost lost you today and I wanted to apologize to you about it, if Kurama hadn't told me you were here some nosy person would be all over you.

-Naruto 11

Dear diary,

Hi diary I'm tired of smiling and having people think I'm ok when I'm really not I wish I had someone to understand me and my feelings and someone who doesn't pay me then leave, I want parents, or at least a parent figure.

-Naruto 11

Dear diary,

I almost lost you again by some lousy water. I graduated, and diary I wish you were a real person because you would be my best friend (better than Shikamaru) and that's saying something.
Kuruma is too and he probably is mad a diary is closer to me than an actual human when you think about it, it is sad.

-Naruto 12

Dear diary,

Today Sasuke and Sakura told me they just didn't want me on there team, it really hurt and I wanted to break down crying, but I didn't I just smiled at them and laughed I don't think I've ever been that hurt before in my life.
I wish they at least kinda cared
It made me think about how I really didn't matter to the world and that people only care when you dead.

-Naruto 12

Dear diary,

Ever since Jiji died I've had the stress of paying my own rent which means I've been going to Shikamaru's house alot lately seeing as I can't really eat, they give me small chores which I prefer instead of just taking the money.
I wish I had a better life.
I wish I had money.
I wish I didn't have to ask others for money.
I wish I had parents.
I really wish it was easier to pay rent.
And I wish Sakura and Sasuke were atleast a tad bit nicer.

- Naruto Uzumaki 12

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