John x Dave

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“And that’s why I’m feeling like shit,” Strider’s voice echoed. The phone I was holding was shaking in my hands, so I balanced it on my shoulder and softly pressed my head to it.


“I’m sorry, Dave. If you need anything, I’m here, okay?” I said quietly. I walked over to my door, feeling the wind rush in.


Dave wasn't feeling his best because of something happening with Karkat and Terezi. Something about Rose too, but I didn't pay attention to when he said that. I knew that when he called rather than pester, he was feeling crappy.


The call disconnected, prompting me to curse under my breath. I walked out from my door, snow drifting down from above. I pulled my hoodie over my head and walked down the street. I kept my head down at all times, memorizing the steps I needed to take to go to Dave’s house. The houses organized around me did belong to my friends, but I was always used to keeping my head down.


Dave’s house wasn't more than two minutes by foot, but I was slowed down by the heavy snow. It took me around six minutes to finally reach my friend’s house, completely covered in snow when I reached there.


I invited myself in, as I knew he always kept the door unlocked anyways. My face was flushed with bright red, still shivering. I scraped the snow off my shoes at the base of the door and called, “D-dave, you there?”


“Bro!” Dave came running out of seemingly no where, hugging me tightly.


“H-hey, Dave,” I choked out, “You’re kind of squishing me…”


Dave immediately let go, pushing himself away, “Oh… sorry. Bro hugs are the best, you know?” He crossed his arms and looked at me through his dark glasses.


“S-sure?” I wondered why Dave was acting off, even if he wasn't at his best. I walked myself to the couch not far from our positions and sat down, motioning for Dave to sit next to me. He walked over, arms still crossed, and sat down.


“I’m a fucking mess, John.” Dave sighed out, pushing his blonde hair to the side, better exposing the black glasses, “A hot mess.”


I sighed, scooting over to him, “Come on, Dave. It’s Karkat and Terezi. They can be assholes sometimes, and you just gotta remember that, you know?”


Dave, in turn, nudged his body closer to mine, his warmth radiating to me, "Egbert..." His jaw clenched.

Then he hugged me. A big hug, bigger than the one he gave me by the door. I was in complete shock, not moving from the uncomfortable position. My eyes had widened, but I think he shut his completely. After a few seconds, I hugged him back with almost as much force. My whole body was shaking, I could tell his was too.


We hugged on the couch for a few minutes, until I pulled myself back, stammering, “Dave, I’m n-not-”


“Homosexual” The knight finished, now sliding to the rug placed neatly in front of the couch, “I know, it’s just…”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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