Chapter 7

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The next day...⛅

🌟Shining Armor POV🌟

I was waiting for Flash at the train station but he never came. I went back to the castle to find him, I was furious when I got to the dining room. I saw him eating an apple while talking to Twilight, then I screamed at Flash saying. "FLASH SENTRY, WE LEAVE NOW!!" "How dare you speak to the captain like that!!" Twilight boomed back. As she spread her wings. "BUT HE IS SUPPOSED TO LEAVE NOW, and what did you mean captain?!" Then I looked at Flash's badge and saw my old Canterlot captain of the royal guard badge. I was shocked she stole my badge. She did not tell me or send a scroll, she just stole it from me. I saw a ring on her horn and I was furious. Then I stormed out of the room.

🎆Twilight's POV🎆

I was on top of the stairs as the ponies greeted me, then my friends greeted me and admired my dress that Rarity made me.

Rainbow's POV

I was just admiring Twi's dress when a stallion asked "May I have thy dance, your majesty?" I saw Twilight blush and she said yes, then she and the stallion headed to the ballroom. Then I thought., who is the stallion that Twilight is with.

🎆Twilights POV🎆

I was headed to the dance floor with Flash, when we bounded and started to dance the waltz, then I heard Applejack say "Who the hay is Twilight dancin' with right now is she goin' crazy or somethin'

⚡Flash's POV⚡

I was dancing with my fiancée when a blue pony with rainbow hair asked me "whoa whoa whoa, who are you exactly," " Rainbow, you scared me for a minute there, this is Flash, my fiancé, Flash this is my friend Rainbow Dash" Twi said....... As she was interrupted by a pegasus with blue hair. And he recognized me immediately and asked "Sentry". I said "Soar is that you?" "How nice to see you again, why are you here though?" Soarin answered "Rainbow Dash is my date, so I invited her to the Gala with me." After he said that he was headed to the dining room with Rainbow, we went back to dancing

The Wedding day 💍

🎆Twilights POV🎆

I jumped up from the bed and I realized something special "IT'S MY WEDDING DAY!!!" I screamed and then I screamed again "I NEED TO RAISE THE SUN." Then I rushed to the balcony and raised the sun using my magic. Then I found Rarity in my closet with my wedding dress and I said in awe "Wow Rarity, it looks gorgeous, I love it!" "I did some final touches to the dress before you came in so it might be too much bling," said Rarity nervously.

2 hrs later.......

After I tried on the dress and had the final rehearsal, it was time for the wedding. Guests were starting to arrive and also other important ponies and other creatures.

⚡Flash POV⚡

I was standing on the outer waiting for Twilight. As the music started to play, I saw a purple beautiful mare when the door opened. She was wearing a white dress with laces and flowers, It was twilight. She finally reached the altar and I whispered to her " You look beautiful." She started to blush as Celestia started her speech.

Then Celestia asked me " Will you Flash Sentry except Princess Twilight Sparkle to be your lovely wedded wife in sickness and in health?" "Yes, I will!" I said. And will you Princess Twilight Sparkle take Flash Sentry as your lovely wedded husband? "I will! she said. Then Celestia exclaimed, "You may kiss the bride".

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